In the world that revolves around Astrology, the love marriage is the arrangement done between the man and the woman through their own free will for creating a beautiful life together. In the sector of kundali milan by name, the 5th house is all about the traditions and the other homely customs that are carried out. In a similar manner, religious thoughts and their definite customs are taken care of by the 9th house. The partnership or the marriage between the couple is decided by the 7th house in the chart.
Love marriage is not about insulting anyone’s thoughts, means and sentiments but it is all about letting go of the traditional factors and customs to reach the dream that the couple has dreamt together. The 5th house is held by the planets who are quite good at the strength and the planet that works through making the relation between the lovers successful is Saturn, also known as Rahu which is the indication of love marriage.
The 5th, 9th and 7th houses equally play a huge role in understanding the meaning involved behind the love marriage.
In the chart of the woman, Mars plays a certain role in the planet Venus when it comes to the chart of the man. That is why, if Mars gets joined in her janm kundali with Rahu or any such possibilities are possible then the woman makes sure to have a flirtatious nature towards the man turning into an illegal relationship. Marriage is wholly dependent on the Rahu, Venus, Moon and Saturn. When it comes to the man’s janm kundali.
• When the planet Venus in the man’s kundali is in the 12th house and Mars is also residing in the same house in the woman’s kundali.
• If there is a presence of a malefic or negative planet in the 9th house.
• Proper learning of Saturn needs to be carried out for the success of the love marriage as the disposition of Venus, Mars and Rahu creates sex perversions.
• If the planets like Venus or Mars make a shift in the charts of the partners then the love marriage that is going to be taken place will be bestowed with prosperity and great success from the spiritual realm, as suggested by astrology.