MAKNAN ENAK, sapi lada hitam paprika

in #kuliner7 years ago

Sapi lada hitam paprika

4 porsi
300 gram daging kwalitas bagus
1/2 buah paprika hijau,potong kotak
1/2 buah paprika merah,potong kotak
1 bawang bombay,potong kotak
3 siung bawang putih,cincang halus
secukupnya gula n garam
Bumbu perendam:
2 sdm kecap manis
4 sdm saos tiram
1/2 sdm minyak wijen
1/2 sdt merica hitam,ulek kasar
1 sdt kecap ikan
2 sdm saos tomat
40 menit
Potong daging kotak2,masukkan ke dlm bumbu perendam,remas2 n diamkan didlm kulkas min 30 menit

Keluarkan gading dr kulkas,tumis bawang putih,masukkan daging beserta bumbu perendamnya, masak sampai air menyusut(daging akan mengeluarkan air meskipun kita tdk menambahkan air)

Masukkan bawang bombay,paprika,garam n gula.(jgn terlalu bnyk menambahkan garam krn saos tiram untuk merendam sdh asin)

Aduk2 sebentar,koreksi rasanya bila sdh pas segera angkat n sajikan

Black Pepper Pepper Cow

4 servings
300 grams of good quality meat
1/2 green pepper, cut the box
1/2 red pepper, cut the box
1 onion, cut the box
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
to taste sugar n salt
2 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon black pepper, roughly ground
1 tsp fish sauce
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
40 minutes
Cut the meat box2, put in spice soak, remas2 n let stand in the refrigerator min 30 minutes

Remove the ivory fridge, saute garlic, put the meat along with the marinade, cook until the water shrinks (the meat will release water even if we do not add water)

Add onions, peppers, salt n sugar (do not add salt to oyster sauce to soak salty)

Stir briefly, the correction feels right when you lift it immediately

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