Kudi Exchange 500 Naira Bounty!
Dear Community Members,
To celebrate the launch of Kudi Exchange, the “Coinbase + Venmo of Africa” we are giving our Nigerian community members the opportunity to earn REAL MONEY just for downloading the app and joining our social media!
How It Works
Step 1: download, install and register the Kudi app
Step 2: join Kudi Exchange Official Telegram channel
Step 3: Subscribe to at least two of these: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
Step 4: Fill out this Google form for tracking
Step 5: Get paid 500 Naira! Payment will be sent to your app in 3–5 business days.
Since this bounty involves real Naira, we are limiting it to only those in Nigeria. If you are not Nigerian, that’s OK, we will have a bounty available for you very soon…
Chance to Win Up to 1 Million Naira
Remember, we are also giving out Naira for those who help grow the user base. By referring people to our app using the built-in referral system which is as easy as sending 1 Naira to friends and family, you will be automatically entered to win up to 1 million Naira! Winners to be announced every 2 weeks!
What’s Next
Kudi Exchange is coming to the iOS store! Stay tuned for more details to be announced soon…
Thank you for participating!
Very Truly Yours,
The Ferrum Network Team
Kudi Exchange App: https://playstore.kudi.exchange
Kudi Exchange Site: https://kudi.exchange/
Kudi Exchange Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/H6T8PVgvkBhlDCuU73rDOw
Ferrum Telegram: http://telegram.ferrum.network
Twitter: http://twitter.ferrum.network
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.ferrum.network
YouTube: http://youtube.ferrum.network
Reddit: http://reddit.ferrum.network
Bitcoin Talk: http://bitcointalk.ferrum.network
Facebook: http://facebook.ferrum.network
Github: https://github.com/ferrumnet/
Instagram: http://instagram.ferrum.network