KuCoin.com - Vote for the next coin to be listed on the exchange
Vote for your coin: KuCoin.com launches their new voting poll and allows users to choose which token they list!
KuCoin.com want to show their commitment to remain as the people’s exchange by giving you, the community, the power to pick which coin they list. KuCoin.com is proud to announce they are launching a 'Vote for your coin' feature on the platform.
Starting December 20th 0400 gmt, KuCoin users will be able to vote for their favorite coins.
They will hold the poll starting December 20th and once completed they will list the winner and re-run a new poll so you can choose another coin to be listed on KuCoin.com
Here’s the list of coins in this voting round:
- Cindicator (CND)
- Electroneum (ETN)
- Smartcash (SMART)
- Snovio (SNOV)
- Solaris (XLR)
- SunContract (SNC)
- TrueFlip (TFL)
- Uptoken (UP)
- Wabi (WABI)
In order to vote you simply need to create an account at KuCoin.com and click the 'Vote for Coin' tab.
Register at KuCoin.com now to vote for your coin to be the next listed!
Wish I knew lol I never expected bitcash to make it on coinbase.
cool.. top exchanges have this kind of voting polls! i just saw similar coin voting campaign at bcnex for free listing: https://www.bcnex.net/voting