Aceh traditional food Kuah Pliek ( Kuah Pliek Masakan khas Aceh) 2sub english and indonesia
How to make
- Young jacket 2 plastic
- Long beans ¼ kg
- 4 bunches of melinjo leaves
- Melinjo fruit 1 ounce
- Kalapa shave 1 piece
- Green eggplant 10 pieces
- Salt to taste
- Kangkung 1 bunch
- Pliek U ¾ glass duralex small
- Shrimp ¼ kg - Kikil as you like
- 6 red chili
- Tender turmeric 1 tsp
- Cayenne 23 pieces
- Red onion 5 cloves
- Coriander dried milled 2 tbsp
- Garlic 3 cloves
- pepper round ½ tbsp - 3 pieces of sunti acid
- Ginger 1 cm
- Coriander cook 1 teaspoon
- Coconut gongseng (ulhee) 2 tbsp
- 10 pieces of orange leaves
- Onion 4 cloves
- 8 pieces of green chili
- Onion 4 cloves
- Sere 3 rods
- Gongseng pliek u with small flame until fragrant smell, add 1 cup duralex long water to boiling.
After boiling filtered (defecate). Blender pliek u until smooth. - Boil melinjo fruit and young jackfruit until tender (discard)
- Boil gravel until tender (dispose of water)
- Cut the vegetables and then milled the spices until smooth and chopped spice seasoning.
- Squeeze the coconut shavings until it becomes a thin coconut milk
- Enter into the pot of vegetables, pliek u, spice, spice, salt, shrimp (except kale and leaf
Orange) stir until blended. Enter the water a little and then boil. - After smoky enter the thin coconut milk while stirring
- When almost cooked just enter the leaves of oranges and kale
- Enjoy
Bahasa Indonesia
- Nangka muda 2 plastik
- Kacang panjang ¼ kg
- Daun melinjo 4 ikat
- Buah melinjo muda 1 ons
- Kalapa kukur 1 buah
- Terong hijau 10 buah
- Garam secukupnya
- Kangkung 1 ikat
- Pliek U ¾ gelas duralex kecil
- Udang ¼ kg- Kikil sesuka
- Cabe merah 6 buah
- Kunyit halus 1 sdt
- Cabe rawit 23 buah
- Bawang Merah 5 siung
- Ketumbar giling kering 2 sdm
- Bawang putih 3 siung
- Merica bulat ½ sdm- Asam sunti 3 buah
- Jahe 1 cm
- Ketumbar masak 1 sdt
- Kelapa gongseng (ulhee) 2 sdm
- Daun jeruk 10 lembar
- Bawang merah 4 siung
- Cabe hijau 8 buah
- Bawang merah 4 siung
- Sere 3 batang
- Gongseng pliek u dengan api kecil sampai harum baunya, tambahkan 1 gelas duralex panjang air sampai mendidih.
Sesudah mendidih disaring (buang airnya). Blender pliek u hingga halus. - Rebus buah melinjo dan nangka muda sampai empuk (buang airnya)
- Rebus kikil hingga empuk (buang airnya)
- Potong sayuran kemudian giling bumbu sampai halus dan rajang bumbu rajang.
- Peras kelapa kukur sampai mejadi santan encer
- Masukkan ke dalam panci sayur-sayuran,pliek u ,bumbu giling, bumbu rajang,garam, udang (kecuali kangkung dan daun
jeruk) aduk- aduk hingga rata. Masukkan air sedikit lalu direbus. - Sesudah berasap masukkan santan encer sambil di aduk-aduk
- Ketika hampir matang baru masukkan daun jeruk dan kangkung
- Selamat menikmati