Kruger Park - Part 1 - Settling in ( Well Trying to )
Happy New Year to all you fellow Steemians!
Sorry I've been so quiet, I have been on holiday for the last few weeks.
#My First Destination was Ngwenya Lodge - A beautiful destination that borders south of The Kruger Park on the Crocodile river.
We arrived safely on the 23nd of December, making sure to dodge all the goats and cows in the road on our way up there.
Our first Plan of action was to go into the Kruger and travel north to a camp called Lower Sabie, about an hour and halfs drive (obeying the speed limit ofcourse)
On arrival we were gifted with this magnificent view of the sabie river
and this friendly hippo grazing below the deck
After our Breakfast at lower Sabie we decided head back to our lodge at Ngwenya. For anyone that has never been to the Kruger, it is an understatement to say that it is hot as hell at times there. When we reached our car in the blistering heat our car thermometer had a little surprise for us
51 Degrees Celsius
I had never felt anything like this before, the heat was excruciating . It truly felt like I was being cooked. Luckily we came prepared and our car had an incredible aircon that we set to full blast as we got into the car.
As we Left Sabie we had a nice sighting of a family of Ellies playing in the mud
Seeing as Elephants are one of my favourite animals it was a great ending to an incredibly (HOT) great day.
On our Arrival to Ngwenya we walked to our lodge and had a little visitor in the plants.
One of the largest monitor lizards i have ever witnessed probably about 1.6 meters long. We decided the name Godzilla would be fitting.
This concludes my first day in the deathly hot Kruger Park.
#If you enjoyed my story please follow me @warrensteem for the future stories to come
too hot for me :p thanks for sharing this
Lol xD I think that's too hot for any one hahah