Writing Contest @krnel-One Persons Truth is Another’s Lie:The Importance of Truth
There was a time when I believed everyone told the truth. It took forever to figure out truth is a quality measured by each individual, according to their experience and understanding of the world.
As children we believe what our parents tell us is genuine. We believe it to our very core, because they are the only world we know. Children intuitively, know if a person is being honest, because they have not yet been scarred by life. Once they reach the teen years they begin to question the truth, forming their own ideas.
There was someone I once heard recite a page in their life. It sounded less than authentic, as I had heard a different version of the same story on a previous occasion. A wise old crone explained to me, he is as honest as he can be. Did it mean he was incapable of being honest or truthful with his own words or intentions? No. It simply meant his sincerity was equal to his ability to understand the meaning of truth. His small world prevented him from knowing the bigger picture, yet his experience told him he was being honest.
A bit philosophical isn’t it? Especially, when a theorem is not clearly stated. We know the shortest distance between 2 points is a line. It is a mathematical truth. Yet, when it comes to letting someone know they are going to die, or perhaps you had lunch with a past love, do you tell the truth? Do you take away the hope of a dying person or do you tell the truth so they can put their affairs in order?
Do you confess you had that luncheon with someone that might raise suspicion to a spouse? Is it better to tell your spouse and take responsibility for the rift it may cause, or to limit the pain, and keep your mouth shut?
Depends on your intentions. In my opinion it is better to lay out the facts, by doing so, it says to others, I accept responsibility for my actions. I am willing to accept the consequences, therefore, I am trustworthy.
By avoiding the truth in both of the above examples it gives a person hope where perhaps there is none. To offer hope to an unlikely situation is like adding fuel to a dying fire. It flames up momentarily then dies back down. To play with someone’s emotions with hope is a torturous way of letting someone down slowly, by prolonging their agony. This is a form of emotional abuse and an inability to be honest.
Well done, being truthful is always best…in less of course it’s necessary to skew the truth to protect a young child. I told my father he had 6 weeks to live when the doctors wouldn’t. He needed to get his affairs in order and he was not going to defeat advanced lung cancer and brain cancer. I’ll live with that decision and still think it was the correct one.
I tend to always tell the truth and then feel betrayed when I find out someone tried to spare me. I think, yes, sometimes being told the truth hurts, but not as much as finding out later that someone thought you weren't capable of relating honestly and hearing it.
Same here. I would rather know up front what I am dealing with. Thanks for stopping by. 🐓🐓
howdy @mother2chicks! this is a great post. I believe in telling the truth in almost all circumstances but there are times when it is hurtful and cruel to tell the truth..not to mention unwise.
When your wife asks you if she looks fat in that dress are you going to hurt her feelings and be an idiot by telling her yes?
If someone is shot with what looks like a life-threatening wound and you're stopping the bleeding and patching them up while the Ambulance is on the way do you tell them that it looks horrible or do you tell them that they'll make it, that they CAN make it, to keep fighting..or do you tell them it looks like it could be fatal?
Or say your best friend is fighting cancer and you find out that her husband cheated on her. Are you going to tell her and possibly make her so depressed that she feels like giving up on life just when she needs to be encouraged and to be fighting for life?
so many times it's best not to tell the truth in order to avoid hurting someone needlessly, I have many examples of instances like that.
Very thought-provoking post, thank you!
Thank you for your reply. Truth is a tough one to figure out sometimes,generally though I feel the same way you do. It’s realative to the situation at hand. 🐓🐓
absolutely @mother2chicks it is totally relative, thanks for the great post which made everyone think for awhile!
God bless you and yours!
You also made some good points in yours.
A lot of deep thinking on this one.
Well. I am not sure about the deep thinking part my friend, but I do appreciate your stopping by. Always glad to see you. 🐓🐓
Love that image you used also. :)
Well thought out indeed to me the truth is always the best option. I have to admit in my younger days I might have disagreed but now yes. Although their are some things my mother will never need to know 💯🐒
I don’t doubt that my monkey man. Let’s hope she is not on steemit! Lol🐓🐓
Haha, no she does not agree with Crypto it's for the Russian mafia 💯🐒
Honesty is always the best policy. Lies come back to haunt and bite you in the rear. If you know the truth will hurt then you need to weigh out is it better to say nothing or try to tell the truth in the least hurtful way. Lying has become a way of life for some people. So much so that they really don't know the difference any more. Think of politicians. They tell so many half truths and lies, I think some don't know what is fact and what is the lie...
So true my friend. Then the polititions have the nerve to tell us what to do. It’s unfortunate we can’t switch rolls for a couple of days. 🐓🐓