Mary Bush Speech #FreeBritney Rally Los Angeles Sept 29, 2021

in #krissyleaks3 years ago

Speaker 1:
For years, Mary Bush's mom resided in the care center where Mary was only allowed to visit once per month, for an hour.

Someone in the crowd:

Speaker 1:
Mary fought the system for years, but her mom was never free. Here's her story. Oh, sorry.

Speaker 2:
One moment right before Mary speaks. I just want to, again, thank you so much for all of you actually caring, giving any heart to these stories. Mary Bush, [inaudible 00:00:27], these are my friends and I've always told every time I come out here, everything that you have done has allowed stories like these, people who don't have a name to share their story and to share the evil that has happened to them, with the conservatorship court. So, I love Mary and I'm going to pass this on to you.

Mary Bush:
Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Mary Bush:
Hi. I'd like to thank all of you for showing up today and thank every advocate who's ever worked on guardianship or conservatorship issues. And I hope we all continue to elevate this issue of fraudulent guardianships and conservatorships. Thank you to the "Britney movement" and to my friend, Angelique Fawcette for your hard work in exposing this disgusting human and civil rights violation. I also would like to ask for help from all Americans to demand oversight and accountability and investigations into these cases. Inalienable rights are non-transferable. That is a constitutional right. The legal community and our legislators have sworn oaths to uphold the constitution and they are not investigated nor are they held accountable for violate of those oaths. I am here today to give a voice to the victims, like my mother Genevieve Bush, who, judge Katherine Platt never giving her a single day in court. In June of 2011, sentenced her to life without parole.

Mary Bush:
Convicted felons have more rights than this. For the past 12 years of guardianship, she has suffered unfathomable injuries, isolation and neglect, all condoned, participated and promoted by the Chester County, Pennsylvania judges, attorneys and even adult protective services. The head of adult protective services, Denise Getgen, I am trying to hold accountable for the 12 years of never helping my mother. The district attorneys are involved. The attorney general and higher courts refused to address this issue. My mother Genevieve Bush, after 12 years, 6 of which she was unlawfully incarcerated into a system of parasitically attached nursing home and doctors, died alone this June 16th. The same pattern in practice of all victims and fraudulent guardianship's experience.

Mary Bush:
Courts are holding hearings without a jury, where unqualified experts make fraudulent diagnosis, then target and defame the legitimate chosen protector. Then isolate, medicate, neglect the victim, all the while, while emptying the estates. Then after disposing of the victim, they finish it off in probate. My mother Genevieve Bush needs a criminal investigation into her case. If anybody's watching that can do that, please contact me, I'm in West Chester, Pennsylvania. The background is that her sons, Joseph and Michael Bush abused their power of attorney when my father had a stroke, they stole $1.5 million from her. And then in 2007, she came back and she sued them.

Mary Bush:
But then they used the guardianship system in 2009, suing her for guardianship to gain back the power and the money. In 2009, the attorney, who opposed her in 2007, Alexander John Chotkowski filed for a fraudulent guardianship, filing papers that weren't true in the orphans court. He has profited to this day from 2007. In June of 2011, judge Katherine Platt, without any due process, forced my mother into a guardianship, never once meeting her, never even seeing her face. In 2012, judge Platt had me marshaled to the recorder's office and sign away our home. In 2013, then she evicted me and our pets. Then Genevieve Bush's son moved in and within months he digitally penetrated her, on multiple occasions. The Chester County District Attorney told the Pennsylvania state police to stand down and don't investigate it. In 2015, my mother was punched in her home and then an attorney walked into her home, Nancy Pine and APS supervisor, Doug Bernard.

Mary Bush:
And they took my mother from her home with a court order signed by mom's own attorney, Mark Tunnell. She was put in Pocopson home and forced into a reclined geri chair with the intention to cripple her. A for-profit guardian named Carol J Hershey was then applied. She has no state license. She's a business owner who had a contract with APS, which is a conflict. Carol Hershey was assigned guardian, she began the false pretense billing and isolated my mom and, started focusing and targeting me because I was advocating for the protection of my mother. The retaliation became swift. I was in the Park lane nursing home where my mom was incarcerated and I was calling the health department for her injuries, her neglect. And because I did that, I called the police for an investigation, but the police turned on me and beat me up out in the parking lot.

Mary Bush:
I ended up in the hospital. My mom suffered broken bones. We were both threatened that they would make sure we never see each other again. And in 2018, mom suffered a spiral fracture of her leg, without any medical help for over two weeks. She was denied all this time to see her cardiologist, her urologist, her orthopedic doctor. She was denied physical therapy. In January 2016, I got her out via 911 to the hospital. But I was also attacked for doing that and targeted. All during this stuff, the DA's office in Chester County has told the police to stand down. The courthouse even went so far as using my email and my identity. We traced the IP address back to the courthouse. Judge Platt is in violation of superior court orders that said that my brother, Michael Bush could know never be a guardian. And just recently judge Bret Bender, after my mom died from all this in June of this year, had her secretly buried. Her body was just dumped in a grave, no funeral, no family, nothing. She was dumped like trash.

Mary Bush:
I can do it.

Speaker in the crowd - 1:
You can do it [crowd cheering 00:08:01]

Speaker in the crowd - 2:
DA Deb Ryan should go to jail.

Speaker in the crowd - 3:
End conservatorship abuse. Yes.

Mary Bush:
For me, fighting for my mom, I lost over half a million dollars to attorneys. So I decided enough. I'm going pro se, I'm going to learn the law and I'm coming after them. I currently have a federal case against the cop who beat me up. I have a case against the people who stole our home. I have a case in the Pennsylvania Supreme court and I'm going to try to do the probate thing that they're trying to do now, too.

Someone in the crowd:
Go Get them ,You got this, you got this. My hero.

Mary Bush:
The way they sell our homes is they sell to home flippers and ours went to Cameron Adams. Just a week before my mom died, my mom died on the 16th. On the 17th, they were in filing in the court to get the money from the sale of the property.

Mary Bush:
I had to watch Cameron Adams tell me "I'm going to take all your belongings out of the house and I'm going to piss on them". So he admitted that and then he started dumping everything out of our house. There's no exception in the crimes code, but under these fraudulent guardianships and conservatorships, it goes on and on and on. They stand down. So, anybody who's interested, put your case on Judicial-pedia, because we're trying to form a place where everybody can put their stuff and we need to investigate, incarcerate and end probate. [Crowd cheering 00:09:49].

Mary Bush:
Last thing I want to say is I saw my mom last in January 2020, and I gave her a hug. That's the last time I ever saw her alive. And every time I saw my mom, I would say "Make it last". It has to last forever now. I love you, mom.

Someone in the crowd:
"For Genevieve"

Speaker 2:
Justice For Genevieve Bush.

Someone in Crowd:
Put Judge Katherine Platt in jail, she stole my Kids too!
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