Kratom Crackdown Spreading Despite Popular Demand

For some, they say that kratom has given them hope and that it has the potential to help save lives, while others believe it's a danger to communities and that the substance must be restricted.
While the debate continues, thousands of people in the United States and elsewhere have experimented with kratom at their own risk, and the demand for the herb continues to grow despite the crackdown from authorities in different regions.
As more people have searched for potential solutions for drug treatment and natural opioid alternatives, it has brought many people to discover kratom for themselves. Companies have already been warned by the FDA that they aren't allowed to be selling unapproved kratom products and they've also threatened a broad crackdown on the product that could come sometime in the near future.

In recent news, lawmakers now in Mississippi and Missouri are looking to ban kratom from the shelves.
Medical examiners increasingly point to the few deaths that kratom has been involved in, using this as their reason for the crackdown on the liberty of individuals to choose what they would like to put into their own body.
Whether it's sugar, coffee, alcohol, kratom, or cannabis etc, what a person decides to put into their own body, or trade peacefully with another individual, or grow peacefully in their backyard etc, shouldn't be the business of anyone else because it doesn't involve them or their property.
Despite the current kratom market being seen as the "wild west" you will still find a great deal of testimonials out there, where people have described finding true remedy from this substance, when they otherwise were left with nothing to turn to.
The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

I've found it quite useful to treat pain, of course the state isn't going to like a natural substance to alleviate it when they're in bed with the corporations, fascism at its best.
Yeahhhhh. I've always been hesitant to try these free, natural things suddenly released out into the public. The sort of things that accomplish a result and effect that you otherwise wouldn't be able to achieve without dangerous substances in your system.
I'm steering clear and watching what happens. Having worked with some people who do it at work, I'm...on the fence.
It's not entirely certain what the long term effect is. The people who say with absolute certainty that it's harmless, even after decades of use...are the sort of people who dive with both feet, regardless of what body of water. To compare it to pot, is a little...bold, I think.
I haven't heard of anyone comparing it to cannabis? They are 2 different substances with their own unique qualities, and it isn't free? as far as I know I haven't heard of anyone giving it away for free anyways? whatever the long term effects may be, and regardless of any specific opinion of the substance, people should still be free to exercise their liberty in peacefully consuming it IMO without being subject to violence in return for their actions✌
I sell kratom for STEEM here :
Posted using Partiko Android
kratom for steem? cool!
Another Proof of the Stupidity Of the "Civilized" Society System... Over my lifetime more and more laws are created to "protect" idiocy...