대한민국 25세 부터 44세 까지 인구 수

in #kr15 days ago


In South Korea, the population aged 25-44 years old comprises a significant portion of the working-age population. Here is the detailed breakdown:

Age Distribution (2025)

25-29 years: 3,497,380 people[2]
30-34 years: 3,366,501 people[2]
35-39 years: 4,100,582 people[2]
40-44 years: 3,955,767 people[2]

The total population for ages 25-44 is 14,920,230 people, representing approximately 28.92% of South Korea's total population[2].

Gender Distribution


  • 25-29: 1,868,308
  • 30-34: 1,766,587
  • 35-39: 2,116,733
  • 40-44: 2,023,646[2]


  • 25-29: 1,629,072
  • 30-34: 1,599,914
  • 35-39: 1,983,849
  • 40-44: 1,932,121[2]

This age group represents a crucial segment of South Korea's workforce and productive population.

[1] 인구상황판 | 인구로 보는 대한민국 - KOSIS 국가통계포털 https://kosis.kr/visual/populationKorea/PopulationDashBoardMain.do
[2] Demographics of South Korea - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_South_Korea
[3] Pilot survey for the 2025 Population and Housing Census https://m.census.go.kr/lang/contentView/pCensusCncptEng.do?q_menu=1&q_sub=21
[4] 총조사인구(성/연령별) - 한국여성정책연구원 https://gsis.kwdi.re.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=338&tblId=DT_1IN0503
[5] Republic of Korea (the) - Demographic Changes https://www.population-trends-asiapacific.org/data/KOR
[6] 주민등록 인구(성/행정구역(시군구)/연령1세별) - 한국여성정책연구원 https://gsis.kwdi.re.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=338&tblId=DT_GIABRM17_001
[7] Age distribution in South Korea 2022 - Statista https://www.statista.com/statistics/242558/age-distribution-in-south-korea/
[8] 행정안전부_지역별(행정동) 성별 연령별 주민등록 인구수20241130 https://www.data.go.kr/data/15097972/fileData.do
[9] [PDF] Seoul Statistical Series_01 Population.pdf https://www.seoulsolution.kr/sites/default/files/page/Seoul%20Statistical%20Series_01%20Population.pdf
[10] [PDF] 2023년 주민등록 인구 5천133만 명, 전년 대비 11만 명 감소 https://eiec.kdi.re.kr/policy/callDownload.do?num=246957&filenum=1&dtime=20240110175346
[11] Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population) https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.4044.MA.5Y?locations=KP
[12] 연령별인구 > 인구 > 분야별 통계 > 한눈에보는 세종 > https://www.sejong.go.kr/prog/age/stat/sub01_020102/list.do;jsessionid=Fx070oeUfUq4K38hdBgUfW1II45USOalj05tdouCkhzHLHXbySmcVvNR8AJuxLJd.Portal_WAS1_servlet_engine5
[13] Korea, South - Population Clock: World https://www.census.gov/popclock/world/ks
[14] 대한민국의 인구 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전 https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%8C%80%ED%95%9C%EB%AF%BC%EA%B5%AD%EC%9D%98
[15] South Korea's population shift: challenges and opportunities https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanwpc/article/PIIS2666-6065(23)00183-9/fulltext
[16] 행정동별 연령별 인구현황 https://jumin.mois.go.kr/ageStatMonth.do
[17] South Korea Population (2025) - Worldometer https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/south-korea-population/
[18] KOSIS https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?language=en&orgId=101&tblId=DT_1B8000F

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