With the victims appeal to @patrice, she gracefully grant the victims to be removed from the man-slaugthering list ?
It is the typical tyranny behavior.
She should be very careful with strict evidences when she man-slaughters others.
There are people who don't yield to such tyranny, not appeal to such bad guys but fight against such evil ones.
For adding my war announcement to your comment,
I don't have yet such a list (maybe yes later),
but whenever I am man-slaughtered, I mannually addd my comment to the recent activities of such man-slaughterers.
Your getting such message will not be repeated unless you are too close to the battlefield for
the Freedom of Write/Curate, Right to show different opinions and Freedom of Human survival
against the self-fucked justice Commie man-slaughterers or the Contents-Nazi, Contents-Fascist.
Thank you @steemdiffuser and @atempt.
But I will not upvote it due to the large down-vote value of @inertia.
Instead I will include @inertia to Worst Enemies of Steem and spread my writings to @inertia writings and votings.
interesting. @booster paid payroll 250 SBD everyday 30 times a month
to @inertia who bamboo-spears other investing steemians.
And @inertia says that it works for Steemit Inc for the developer site.
Is it Steemit Inc's policy to bamboo-spear Steemians and expel investing writers from Steem and prohibit outside investing writers from entering Steem ?
Is @booster, kind of voting robot service with delegation investors, a service of Steemit Inc ?
Beside above, the following is also interesting.
"We do recommend using the Vessel Desktop Wallet for all things STEEM economy. It has support for multiple accounts, if you only have a single account we reccomend using this steemconnect tool: "
ㅎㅎ dclick 을 이제 죽창질하는군요.
광고주에게도 무료이고, 스팀의 보팅 기능을 그냥 활용하는 것 아닌가 생각들기도 하지만,
남의 불법이 아닌 모든 행위를
자뻑 판단에 의해서 어뷰징이라고 비난하는 것이 스팀에서 가장 큰 어뷰징이라고 봅니다.
스팀이 뭐라고, 이것도 어뷰징, 저것도 어뷰징하면서
남의자유를 제약하고 죽창질하고, 투자자를 쫓아내고,
ㅎㅎ 남의 행위를 죽창질 하는 자는 얼마나 좋은 글을 쓰나 봤더니,
개 쓰레기를 퍼질러고 있다.
이따위 글이 보클 보다 더 나은 점이 있나요?
보클을 죽창질 할 수 있다면, 이따위 쓰레기 글도 죽창질 대상이지요.
[Steem: Witness] Is Steem @patrice's killing field ? Drop this worst Enemy of Steem from your witness support.
( https://steemit.com/dclick/@steamsteem/steem-witness-is-steem-patrices-killing-field-drop-this-worst-enemy-of-steem-from-your-witness-support-onsteem-ad-dclickio-attached-1539290105312 )
2018.10.12.Fri. 05:05 (utc+9), by @SteamSteem,
Thank you @arthur.grafo for your opinions.
With the victims appeal to @patrice, she gracefully grant the victims to be removed from the man-slaugthering list ?
It is the typical tyranny behavior.
She should be very careful with strict evidences when she man-slaughters others.
There are people who don't yield to such tyranny, not appeal to such bad guys but fight against such evil ones.
For adding my war announcement to your comment,
I don't have yet such a list (maybe yes later),
but whenever I am man-slaughtered, I mannually addd my comment to the recent activities of such man-slaughterers.
Your getting such message will not be repeated unless you are too close to the battlefield for
the Freedom of Write/Curate, Right to show different opinions and Freedom of Human survival
against the self-fucked justice Commie man-slaughterers or the Contents-Nazi, Contents-Fascist.
Oh, @inertia, you stupid bamboo-spearing man-slaughterer, Contents-Nazi, Contents-Facsist is ? was ? working in Steemit Inc.
Thank you for this information and also down-voting the following comment of mine.
Congratulations to your joining the Worst Enemies of Steem Club.
Thank you @steemdiffuser and @atempt.
But I will not upvote it due to the large down-vote value of @inertia.
Instead I will include @inertia to Worst Enemies of Steem and spread my writings to @inertia writings and votings.
Oh, @inertia, you stupid bamboo-spearing man-slaughterer, Contents-Nazi, Contents-Facsist is ? was ? working in Steemit Inc.
Thank you for this information and also down-voting the following comment of mine.
Congratulations to your joining the Worst Enemies of Steem Club.
study on enemies of Steem : @inertia.
@booster paid payroll 250 SBD everyday 30 times a month
to @inertia who bamboo-spears other investing steemians.
And @inertia says that it works for Steemit Inc for the developer site.
Is it Steemit Inc's policy to bamboo-spear Steemians and expel investing writers from Steem and prohibit outside investing writers from entering Steem ?
Is @booster, kind of voting robot service with delegation investors, a service of Steemit Inc ?
Beside above, the following is also interesting.
"We do recommend using the Vessel Desktop Wallet for all things STEEM economy. It has support for multiple accounts, if you only have a single account we reccomend using this steemconnect tool: "
별 미친 님이 다 있네?
지 글이나 쓰지,
지 글은 안쓰고 무슨 고발 질이지 ??
이런 것을
자뻑 정의감 인민 재판 공산 죽창 이나
컨텐츠 나찌, 컨텐츠 파시스트
라고 하지요.
스팀에서 사람들을 쫓아내고,
스팀의 미래를 좀 먹는 자들이라고 생각함.
@fom 님이 사기를 친 것도 아니고,
표절을 한 것도 아니고,
소개 수당 받으려는 의도는 있겠지만,
정보 소개로 나름 열심히 인사를 다니는 것도,
@joongdaejang 은 자뻑 정의감 지 맘에 안든다고,
온갖 쌍 욕을 하면서,
고발질? 을 하고 있네요.
니 님이 스스로 스팀을 위해서 일한다고 생각하겠지만,
니 같은 님들이 스팀을 망치고 있다고 보입니다.
스스로 자인한 것 같은데,
부계정 만들어서,
자뻑 정의감 인민 재판 공산 죽장질 이나,
컨텐츠 나찌, 컨텐츠 파시스트 질
스팀에서 사람들을 몰아내고,
스팀에 들어오려는 사람들에게,
스팀은 상종 못할 곳이라는
분위기 만들어서
스팀의 미래를 망치지 마시고,
니 님 글이나 열심히 쓰세요.
어디서 자유의 개념을 모르는
공산 죽창들 논리를 그대로 들고 오네요.
남의 자유를 간섭하는 것은 좋지 않지만,
남의 자유를 간섭 하는 나쁜 님들에게는 간섭을 해야 한다고 보지요.
그것이 자유를 지키는 길임.
그 차이 정도는 알고,
니 님 마음 대로 사셈.