IoT Chain is excited to be part of the community at the Trusted IoT Alliance
IoT Chain has joined the Trusted IoT Alliance, where it is developing a lite operating system using blockchain concepts and implementing VRF+BFT, DAG and SPV technologies. This allows data to be layered and stored in a decentralized manner and provides protection with the combined strength of the millions of IoT nodes within the network.
IoT devices are secured by creating blockchain-based identity logs that capture the ID of each device. At IoT Chain, we see great potential for IoT systems using blockchain technology that includes device identity and data encryption. To enable the exchange of messages, IoT devices will leverage smart contracts which model an agreement between the two parties. Overall, we strongly believe that device identity represents the foundation that will enable true device security and interoperability.
Together with industry and technology partners, IoT Chain will focus on leveraging blockchain infrastructure to secure and scale IoT ecosystems. The implementation and monetization of ITC is not just a concept but has very real applications in the near future.