
in #kr7 years ago

승마살패기 (젤많은분요청하신운동) 💡섹시바디운동팁:모든운동세트간 그부위스트레칭10초이상씩 꼭 하세요 근육데피가좋아져요
Weekend homet
Riding horsemanship (a lot of gel requested exercise) 💡 Sexy body exercise tip: Stretching the part between all the exercise sets Please make at least 10 seconds each.

운동하는쪽 무릎 펴고 엉덩이허벅지 바깥쪽근육으로 올리세요 높이는가능한만큼 30회
(초보자👉밑쪽팔꿈치펴고 사이드로 완전누우세요 위쪽손으로바닥짚고 균형잡고 +아래쪽무릎구부려놓아요)
Exercise your knees and lift your hips to the outer thighs. As high as 30 times
(Beginner Straighten the lower elbow and lie fully on the side. Balance with the upper hand and balance + lower the knee)

2.사이드킥변형 (밴드이용 20회)
--Sidekick deformation (20 bands)

엎드려서 엉덩이힘으로 쭉핀다리를 바깥쪽로 벌리면서 들어올려요 20회ㅡ>들어올린상태에서구간반복5회
-- Superman transformation
Lean back and lift your legs out with your buttocks force to lift them 20 times ㅡ> 5 times repeatedly lifted

4.내로우스쿼트(narrow squat)
양발을완전모으고 다리가벌어지지않게 균형잘잡으시고 스쿼트20회

-- Narrow squat
Fully gather both feet, balance well so that the legs do not spread, and squat 20 times

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