(100%) The Happy Prince (1)

in #kr5 years ago (edited)

본 글은 번역댓글로 참여하는 지적활동증명(Proof of Brain) 워크시트입니다. 참여를 위해서는 반드시 번역 가이드를 읽으세요. 모든 참여는 정확한 댓글형식을 따라야 합니다.

[1E] ✔︎ High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.

[2E] ✔︎ He was very much admired indeed. “He is as beautiful as a weathercock,” remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain a reputation for having artistic tastes; “only not quite so useful,” he added, fearing lest people should think him unpractical, which he really was not.

[3E] ✔︎ “Why can’t you be like the Happy Prince?” asked a sensible mother of her little boy who was crying for the moon. “The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything.”

[4E] ✔︎ “I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy,” muttered a disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue.

[5E] ✔︎ “He looks just like an angel,” said the Charity Children as they came out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and their clean white pinafores.

[6E] ✔︎ “How do you know?” said the Mathematical Master, “you have never seen one.”

[7E] ✔︎ “Ah! but we have, in our dreams,” answered the children; and the Mathematical Master frowned and looked very severe, for he did not approve of children dreaming.

[8E] ✔︎ One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her.

[9E] ✔︎ “Shall I love you?” said the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at once, and the Reed made him a low bow. So he flew round and round her, touching the water with his wings, and making silver ripples. This was his courtship, and it lasted all through the summer.

[10E] ✔︎ “It is a ridiculous attachment,” twittered the other Swallows; “she has no money, and far too many relations”; and indeed the river was quite full of Reeds. Then, when the autumn came they all flew away.

[11E] ✔︎ After they had gone he felt lonely, and began to tire of his lady-love. “She has no conversation,” he said, “and I am afraid that she is a coquette, for she is always flirting with the wind.” And certainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed made the most graceful curtseys. “I admit that she is domestic,” he continued, “but I love travelling, and my wife, consequently, should love travelling also.”

[12E] ✔︎ “Will you come away with me?” he said finally to her; but the Reed shook her head, she was so attached to her home.

[13E] ✔︎ “You have been trifling with me,” he cried. “I am off to the Pyramids. Good-bye!” and he flew away.

[14E] ✔︎ All day long he flew, and at night-time he arrived at the city. “Where shall I put up?” he said; “I hope the town has made preparations.”

[15E] ✔︎ Then he saw the statue on the tall column.

[16E] ✔︎ “I will put up there,” he cried; “it is a fine position, with plenty of fresh air.” So he alighted just between the feet of the Happy Prince.

[17E] ✔︎ “I have a golden bedroom,” he said softly to himself as he looked round, and he prepared to go to sleep; but just as he was putting his head under his wing a large drop of water fell on him. “What a curious thing!” he cried; “there is not a single cloud in the sky, the stars are quite clear and bright, and yet it is raining. The climate in the north of Europe is really dreadful.

[18E] ✔︎ The Reed used to like the rain, but that was merely her selfishness.”

[19E] ✔︎ Then another drop fell.

[20E] ✔︎ “What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off?” he said; “I must look for a good chimney-pot,” and he determined to fly away.

[21E] ✔︎ But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, and he looked up, and saw—Ah! what did he see?

[22E] ✔︎ The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears were running down his golden cheeks. His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the little Swallow was filled with pity.

[23E] ✔︎ “Who are you?” he said.

[24E] ✔︎ “I am the Happy Prince.”

[25E] ✔︎ “Why are you weeping then?” asked the Swallow; “you have quite drenched me.”

[26E] ✔︎ “When I was alive and had a human heart,” answered the statue, “I did not know what tears were, for I lived in the Palace of Sans-Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter. In the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and in the evening I led the dance in the Great Hall. Round the garden ran a very lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything about me was so beautiful. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived, and so I died. And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, and though my heart is made of lead yet I cannot chose but weep.”

[27E] ✔︎ “What! is he not solid gold?” said the Swallow to himself. He was too polite to make any personal remarks out loud.

[28E] ✔︎ “Far away,” continued the statue in a low musical voice, “far away in a little street there is a poor house. One of the windows is open, and through it I can see a woman seated at a table. Her face is thin and worn, and she has coarse, red hands, all pricked by the needle, for she is a seamstress. She is embroidering passion-flowers on a satin gown for the loveliest of the Queen’s maids-of-honour to wear at the next Court-ball. In a bed in the corner of the room her little boy is lying ill. He has a fever, and is asking for oranges. His mother has nothing to give him but river water, so he is crying. Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow, will you not bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt? My feet are fastened to this pedestal and I cannot move.”

[29E] ✔︎ “I am waited for in Egypt,” said the Swallow. “My friends are flying up and down the Nile, and talking to the large lotus-flowers. Soon they will go to sleep in the tomb of the great King. The King is there himself in his painted coffin. He is wrapped in yellow linen, and embalmed with spices. Round his neck is a chain of pale green jade, and his hands are like withered leaves.”

[30E] ✔︎ “Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,” said the Prince, “will you not stay with me for one night, and be my messenger? The boy is so thirsty, and the mother so sad.”

[31E] ✔︎ “I don’t think I like boys,” answered the Swallow. “Last summer, when I was staying on the river, there were two rude boys, the miller’s sons, who were always throwing stones at me. They never hit me, of course; we swallows fly far too well for that, and besides, I come of a family famous for its agility; but still, it was a mark of disrespect.”

[32E] ✔︎ But the Happy Prince looked so sad that the little Swallow was sorry. “It is very cold here,” he said; “but I will stay with you for one night, and be your messenger.”

[33E] ✔︎ “Thank you, little Swallow,” said the Prince.

[34E] ✔︎ So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince’s sword, and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.

[35E] ✔︎ He passed by the cathedral tower, where the white marble angels were sculptured. He passed by the palace and heard the sound of dancing. A beautiful girl came out on the balcony with her lover. “How wonderful the stars are,” he said to her, “and how wonderful is the power of love!”

[36E] ✔︎ “I hope my dress will be ready in time for the State-ball,” she answered; “I have ordered passion-flowers to be embroidered on it; but the seamstresses are so lazy.”

[37E] ✔︎ He passed over the river, and saw the lanterns hanging to the masts of the ships. He passed over the Ghetto, and saw the old Jews bargaining with each other, and weighing out money in copper scales. At last he came to the poor house and looked in. The boy was tossing feverishly on his bed, and the mother had fallen asleep, she was so tired. In he hopped, and laid the great ruby on the table beside the woman’s thimble. Then he flew gently round the bed, fanning the boy’s forehead with his wings. “How cool I feel,” said the boy, “I must be getting better”; and he sank into a delicious slumber.

[38E] ✔︎ Then the Swallow flew back to the Happy Prince, and told him what he had done. “It is curious,” he remarked, “but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold.”

[39E] ✔︎ “That is because you have done a good action,” said the Prince. And the little Swallow began to think, and then he fell asleep. Thinking always made him sleepy.

[40E] ✔︎ When day broke he flew down to the river and had a bath. “What a remarkable phenomenon,” said the Professor of Ornithology as he was passing over the bridge. “A swallow in winter!” And he wrote a long letter about it to the local newspaper. Every one quoted it, it was full of so many words that they could not understand.

[41E] ✔︎ “To-night I go to Egypt,” said the Swallow, and he was in high spirits at the prospect. He visited all the public monuments, and sat a long time on top of the church steeple. Wherever he went the Sparrows chirruped, and said to each other, “What a distinguished stranger!” so he enjoyed himself very much.

[42E] ✔︎ When the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince. “Have you any commissions for Egypt?” he cried; “I am just starting.”

[43E] ✔︎ “Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,” said the Prince, “will you not stay with me one night longer?”


[11] 그들이 떠난 후, 그는 외로움을 느꼈고, 연인에게 지치기 시작했다. “그녀는 아무런 말이 없어.” 그가 말을 꺼냈다. “그리고, 난 그녀가 여우 같은 여자인 것 같아 두려워. 그녀는 항상 바람으로 추파를 던지거든” 정말로 바람이 불때마다, 리드는 가장 우아한 인사를 하였다. “난 그녀가 가정적이라는 것을 받아들여” 그리고 그는 계속해서 말을 이어 나갔다. “하지만, 난 여행을 좋아하기 때문에 나의 아내도 여행을 좋아해야 되.”

조금 자연스러운 문장으로 윤문해서 제출했습니다.

[26] “난 내가 인간의 마음을 가지고 살았을 때” 그 조각상은 대답했다. “근심없는 상수시 궁에 살았기 때문에, 난 눈물이 뭔지 몰랐어. 낮에 나는 마음이 맞는 친구와 정원에서 놀았어. 그리고 저녁에는 그레이트 홀에서 춤을 추었지. 정원 주위에는 매우 높은 벽이 있었지만, 난 그것 너머에 무엇이 있는지 묻지 않았어. 나에 대한 모든 것은 너무도 아름다웠지. 신하들은 나를 행복한 왕자라 불렀고, 실제로 나는 행복했어. 만약 기쁨이 행복이라면… 그래서 난 살았고, 그래서 난 죽었어. 그리고 이제 내가 죽어 나를 여기에 높게 세워 나는 모든 추악함을 볼 수 있어. 그리고 도시의 비참함도… 그리고 비록 내 심장이 납으로 만들어졌지만, 난 선택할 여지없이 울 수 밖에 없어.”

"샌-수시(San-Souci) 궁전"은 위키피디아에서 다음과 같이 설명되어 있습니다.

Sans Souci (French for "no worries" or "carefree"),

직접 상수시궁 (불어라 발음이 이런듯 합니다)이라고 번역하는 예도 있고 "근심 없는 궁전"이라고 풀어서 번역하는 예도 보입니다. 어떤번역이 나을까요?

상수시궁이 나아보입니다. @bukio 님, 제가 수정하면 되나요?

네 수정하시면 됩니다.

궁전인 걸 감안해서 companions를 시종들로 수정해봤습니다. 나머지 조금씩 윤문후에 제출했습니다.

[1] 도시 높은 곳에 행복한 왕자 동상이 높이 서 있었다. 왕자는 순금으로 도금되어 있었고, 두 눈은 빛나는 사파이어였으며 칼자루에는 커다란 붉은색 루비가 빛나고 있었다.

[2] 왕자는 참으로 높이 존경 받았다. 미적 안목이 있다는 평판을 얻고자 시의원 한 명은 “왕자는 풍향계만큼이나 아름답다.”고 말하고는 사람들이 실속없다고 생각할까봐 “그 만큼 쓸모가 있지는 않지만.”이라고 덧붙였다.

[28] 동상은 듣기 좋은 낮은 소리로 말을 이었다. “아주 먼 작은 거리에 가난한 집이 있지. 창문 하나가 열려있어서 그걸 통해 식탁에 앉아 있는 여자를 볼 수 있어. 고생한 얼굴은 야위었고, 손은 삯바느질 하느라 온통 바늘에 찔려서 발갛고 거칠지. 그녀는 여왕의 들러리들 중에서 가장 사랑스러운 들러리가 다음번 무도회에서 입을 샌틴 가운에 시계꽃 장식을 수놓고 있어. 방 구석에 있는 침대에는 그녀의 작은 남자애가 아파 누워있는데 열이 나서 오랜지를 달라고 하지만 엄마는 강에서 떠온 물 말고는 줄 것이 없어. 그래서 꼬마가 울고 있어. 내 친구 작은 제비야 내 칼자루에 있는 루비를 빼서 그녀에게 갖다주지 않을래? 내 발이 기단에 고정되어 있어 나는 움직일수가 없구나.”

편집중에 더블스페이스가 쉽게 잘 들어가는군요. 중요한 건 아니지만 주의해서 챙겨야겠습니다.

몇 개를 수정해서 그대로 제출합니다.

satin gown은 그냥 고운 드레스로 바꿔봤습니다. 주문자가 위에서 말할 때 드레스는 나왔으니 문제가 없을 듯 하고 satin은 사틴나무라는 방직용 재료가 되는 식물인 것 같습니다. 또 그 천의 질감으로 '부드러운 천'이란 의미가 사전상 있으니 고운 드레스라고 하면 좋을 것 같습니다.

[37E] 제비는 강을 건너다가 배의 돛대에 걸려있는 등불도 보았다. 유대인 거리를 지나면서는 나이 많은 유대인들이 서로 흥정하는 것도 보고 구리저울로 돈의 무게를 재는 것도 보았다. 그리고 마침내 쓰러져가는 집에 도착한 제비는 집안을 들여다 보았다. 아이는 열이나서 침대위에서 뒤척이고 있고, 아이의 엄마는 잠들어 있었다. 그녀는 매우 지친듯 보였다. 제비는 가볍게 날아서 큰 루비를 여자의 골무옆에 있는 테이블 위에 올려 두었다. 그리고 제비는 조용히 침대 근처를 날아다니며 아이의 이마를 날개짓으로 식혔다. “너무 시원한 느낌이 들어.” 아이가 말했다. “나 아픈게 훨씬 좋아지고 있어.” 그리고 아이는 달콤하게 잠에 빠져들어갔다.

[29] 제비는 말했다. “이집트에서 나를 기다리고 있어. 내 친구들은 나일강을 오르 내리고 커다란 연꽃과 얘기를 하고 있지. 곧 위대한 왕의 무덤에서 잠자리에 들거야. 왕은 거기에 색칠된 관에 혼자 있는데 썪지 않게 향신료로 처리되어 노란 천에 쌓여 있어. 목에는 옅은 녹색의 옥 목걸이가 있고 손은 마치 시든 잎사귀같아”

이집트 미라를 묘사하고 있군요. 재미있네요^^ painted coffin는 '장식된 관'으로 하면 더 좋을 것 같습니다. 그리고 'pale green'은 아마 녹색무늬를 묘사한 것 같으니 옅은 녹색보다는 '세로줄 - 가로줄이긴 하지만 - 사전상엔 세로줄만 나오니 녹색'으로 하시죠. 2가지를 제외하고 나머지는 그대로 제출합니다.

오역입니다. pale 은 여기서 형용사로 색조가 약하다는 의미입니다.

그렇군요. 투탕카멘 녹색 목걸이 색은 결코 옅어보이진 않지만요… 오역이라고 하시니 다시 돌려놨습니다.^^

[17E] “황금침대에서 자게 됐군.” 그는 주위를 돌아보며 혼잣말로 말했다. 그리고 잠잘 준비를 했다. 그런데 갑자기 날개 아래에 있는 그의 머리 위에 큰 물방울이 떨어졌다. “희안한 일이네!” 제비는 소리쳤다. “하늘엔 구름 한 점 없고 별들이 저렇게 초롱초롱하게 빛나는데 비가 오다니. 북유럽의 기후란 정말 끔찍하군.

[8E] 어느날 밤 그곳에서 한 작은 제비는 도시를 건너 날아왔다. 그의 친구들은 6주 전에 이미 이집트로 떠났지만 그는 너무 예쁜 갈대와 사랑에 빠져서 떠날 수가 없었다. 이른 봄, 큰 노란 나방을 따라 강 하류로 날아왔던 제비는 그렇게 갈대를 만났다. 그리고 그녀의 가냘픈 허리에 완전히 끌린 제비는 그녀와 이야기를 나누느라 움직일 수가 없었다.

첫문장은 일단 "도시로 날아왔다"의 의미로 보입니다. 조금씩 수정해서 편집본으로 제출합니다.

[26E] 동상은 대답했다.“내가 살아서 인간의 심장을 가지고 있을 때는 슬픔이 없는 상수시[Sans-Souci] 궁전에 살았기 때문에 눈물이 뭔지조차 몰랐어. 낮에는 친구들과 정원에서 놀았고 밤에는 궁전의 중앙홀에서 춤을 추었지. 정원 둘레에는 매우 높은 벽이 있었고 난 그 너머에 무엇이 있는지 관심도 없었어. 주변의 모든 것은 너무도 아름다웠지. 신하들은 나를 행복한 왕자라고 불렀고, 만약 즐거움도 행복이라고 할 수 있다면 난 실제로 행복했었지. 난 그렇게 살다가 죽었어. 그리고 내가 죽은 지금 그들이 나를 이렇게 높은 곳에 세워두어서 나는 내 도시의 추악함과 비참함을 볼 수 있게 되었어. 그래서 비록 내 심장은 납으로 만들어졌지만 울 수 밖에 없단다.”

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