Kotlin Parcelize Power Features
You are going to delete lots of lines of code! Yes, it is not a clickbait!
How do you pass your model between activities?
- Serializable?
- EventBus / Otto ?
- Parcelable?
Serializable = Reflection! Run Forest Run!!! It is terrible for Android performance. Bus libraries like EventBus or Otto are easy to use and have good performance but after some time they cause too much complexity in your code.
Parcelable interface is great for Android performance but it has too much boilerplate.
Parcelize 😍
Kotlin added parcelable support in version 1.1.4.Android Extensions plugin now includes an automatic Parcelable implementation generator. Declare the serialized properties in a primary constructor and add a @Parcelize
annotation, and writeToParcel()
methods will be created automatically.