Variety Coffee Shop "Aneka Kedai Kopi"

in #kopi7 years ago

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Budaya minum kopi bukan hal baru bagi masyarakat kita, mengingat indonesia adalah salah satu negara penghasil biji kopi terbaik di dunia di sebagian besar belahan indonesia, banyak orang menikmati secangkir kopi dalam kesehariannya hingga pada akhirnya sekarang kita telah melangkah melewati sejarah panjang kopi. Menyeruput kopi bukan lagi sekedar tradisi tapi sudah menjelma jadi gaya hidup dan tren masa kini, tidak hanya bagi masayarakat indonesia tetapi juga masyarakat global.

The culture of coffee drinking is nothing new for our society, considering that indonesia is one of the best coffee beans producing countries in the world in most parts of indonesia, many people enjoy a cup of coffee in her everyday until at last now We have stepped past the long history of coffee. Sipping coffee is no longer merely a tradition but it's been transformed so the lifestyle and trends of today, not only for the masayarakat of indonesia but also the global community.
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Semakin meningkatnya konsumsi kopi, maka sejumlah gerai yang menyediakan minuman pahit ini pun bermunculan bak jamur di musim penghujan, kedai kopi jadi sangat mudah dijumpai mulai dari kelas tradisional maupun premium, kedai kopi seolah tak pernah sepi, jika dulu hanya dminati kaum laki-laki, kini justru tak mengenal jenis kelamin usia maupun kelas sosial, inilah kehangatan sebuah kedai kopi dari yang tak saling mengenal dan berinteraks, namun semua bisa larut dalam secangkir kopi.

The increasing consumption of coffee, then a number of outlets providing bitter drink is popping up a tub of mushrooms in the rainy season, the coffee shop so it is very easy to be found ranging from traditional and premium class, the coffee shop seems never to have deserted, if It used to be just dminati men, now is precisely not to know the sex of the age or social class, here's the warmth of a coffee shop than not know each other and berinteraks, but all can be dissolved in a cup of coffee.
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Berangkat dari kedai kopi, ada banyak perbincangan yang berlangsung di dalamnya, mulai dari yang ringan sampai ke permbincangan serius menguras emosi, sebab kedai kopi tidak hanya mampu menuntaskan kebutuhan ngopi, tetapi juga kebutuhan sosial dan dukungan emosional, sampai pada akhirnya beberapa dari kedai kopi pun akhirnya menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan pola hidup manusia di zamannya!

Departing from the coffee shop, there are many discussions that take place in it, ranging from mild to serious permbincangan to drain the emotions, as the coffee shop is not only able to complete needs get some coffee, but also social needs and support emotionally, until in the end some of the coffee shop eventually adjust to the changes in the patterns of human life in his day!Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 9.42.49 AM.png

Sejak dulu kedai kopi banyak menyumbang manfaat besar terhadap pola perilaku manusia, berevolusi mengikuti kebutuhan berdasarkan eranya, aneka konsep kedai kopi yang diusung memberi warna pada peta perjalanan perkembangan kedai kopi di nusantara, yang dapat kita pelajari bahwa kedai kopi tidak hanya soal industri dan bisnis, tetapi juga menyumbang manfaat besar bagi kehidupan sosial di masyarakat.

Since the first coffee shop contributed greatly to the benefit of human behavior pattern, evolved following the needs of the present, based on the concept of a coffee shop that carried gives color to map travel development of the coffee shop in the archipelago, which can We learned that the coffee shop is not just a matter of industry and business, but also contributed a great benefit to the social life in the community.

Selalu ingat buka hati dan telinga, karena ada banyak nilai berharga yang bisa menjadi potret bagi masa depan kita sampai jumpa.

Always remember to open the hearts and ears, because there's a lot of value which could be a valuable portrait for the future we see you.

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