4 Days To Go... What You Can Expect from Kingsday in The Netherlands?
With - 4 days - 80 hours - 4.800 minutes - 288.000 seconds - to go before Orange becomes the colour of my little home country, I like to give you a flavour of how the whole party looks like.
From Space the country looks like this... Quite Orange as you can see...
...but these are lights obviously, not Dutch people partying in Orange clothes and accessories...
Here another picture with Orange in it...
...that are our Tulip fields...Orange still mixed with a lot of other colours...Yes, we are masters in creating different kinds of coloured Tulips and every year we try to get some new colours added to the already extensive pallet of colours we already created...
...but now for some REAL Kingsday flavour (note: not to long ago Kingsday was called Queensday since before our current King we had for more than a century Queens as our head of state; since 1890 to be exact; Our current King became King in the year of 2013 only)...
...finally, what you were waiting for...Impressions of our Kingsday in some videos...
Good ! :)
Great ! :)
I am so glad I am learning so much about this special day for your country . I am already looking for something in orange
You always have your toilet carpet :)
I'll have this accessory with me (a little purse/wallet), likely I'll tuck it only half into my pocket so other can see a little bit of orange while ging around this 27th :)
So fancy :)
Thanks :)
I wish I could come
No worries; We have every year one of these parties! They will not run away :)
Excellent post! I like your work My friend
Haha meep !