What is Komodo / Supernet you say?
I have been ‘out of’ the crypto space for a while. These past weeks been going through the top 100 cryptos. Just read #51 (since last night #39) and WOW what the F* is this? Komodo is a great cryptocurrency; huge potential.
The team is bringing all the improvements that they´ve been working on since 2014 in superNET collabo to the komodo platform. How to view superNET versus Komodo? Think this analogy fits the bill: SuperNET is like Microsoft and Komodo is Windows – the platform where all features are being built on.
I absolutely love what the team is going for with decentralized exchange, essentially trading from your fr*kin wallet no more moving around of coins with all pain in the ass fee’s. Fiat pairs, trading multiple pairs at the same time, atomic swaps just for starters:
Some more features that the Komodo platform will bring to the table.
Consensus mechanism that allows other cryptocurrencies to ‘hook up’ to other blockchain (like bitcoin) to increase their security.
*The Easydex decentralized exchange which is such a big upgrade that it has its own whitepaper (read here: Read the EasyDEX white paper)
*The (absolutely ridiculous) ability to trade multiple currencies at the same time (no more reservations on your bitcoin) just put in multiple bids with 1 btc on preferred currencies and whichever hits first is executed; the rest is automatically closed.
*Messaging/trading cross platform without having to download all other blockchains.
*Making all coins private with the JUMBLR function
A portfolio management/analytics tool; integrated into the wallet so you can check your assets performance at any time. And
lastly their PAX pegged asset exchange another great feature which lets you switch from crypto to Fiat with incredible ease. As if this isn’t enough the team is coming with big announcements on Friday – should be good!