Exposing the Secrets of the 33rd Degree Freemasons , Illuminati, The cabal PT 7 ( eye's only)

in #knowledge8 years ago

The ancients called these "shi"powers the perfect powers of the soul, they make the wearer of these ascension apps mighty (godlike) and enabled there ultimate goal which is Ascension to heaven (cosmos) ; Enoch, Gilgamesh Jesus Nimrod, Elijah, Buddha are just a few people that have obtained theses powers. So lets do a brief explanation of what these Ascension kit " apps" (objects) really are. 

Just be clear we are not talking about Ephesians 6:10-18 version of what these powers are but they are a close representation of it, but of course edited out the main app (object) that makes the whole thing work out of the bible were are going to have to jump religions in order to find the most powerful app there is, its called the caduceus  (also known as the 'The Holy Lance', 'Spear of Destiny', 'Holy Spear', 'Lance of Longinus', 'Spear of Longinus' The Stick of resurrection )

Ephesians 6:10-18  The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

This story is much closer because it is the oldest story ever told Inana's descent to the nether world, this is the great monomyth. : translation

102-107"She has taken the seven divine powers. She has collected the divine powers and grasped them in her hand. She has come on her way with all the good divine powers. She has put a turban, headgear for the open country, on her head. She has taken a wig for her forehead. She has hung small lapis-lazuli beads around her neck.

108-113"She has placed twin egg-shaped beads on her breast. She has covered her body with the pala dress of ladyship. She has placed mascara which is called "Let a man come" on her eyes. She has pulled the pectoral which is called "Come, man, come" over her breast. She has placed a golden ring on her hand. She is holding the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line in her hand."

From http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/section1/tr141.htm

Daniel - Chapter 3 the Talmud

King Nebuchadnezzar ordered 3 wise men to the fiery furnace 

21 Then these men were bound in their cloaks, their trousers, their robes, and their [other] garments, and they were cast into the burning, fiery furnace.

Umm who needs to put on more clothes when there are about to be burned alive? It seems like there is more to this story....

Like all story's this can be interpreted multiple ways.

the literal

the historical

the cosmological

the symbolical/metaphor 

the mythological/allegorical 

the anatomical and the anagogical

were are going to look for these answer via anagogy which means ascend, A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife. In other words it about ascension. 

The first item on our list is the most important ;

A legend grew around the lance that whoever possessed it would be able to conquer the world so of course most tyrants and dictators tried to find it for the love of power here is a brief list of these people that  are alleged to have possessed the Spear at one time or another are :   

Herod the Great (King of Judea, ruled 37 BC-4BC).

Maurice the Manichean (from Egypt, who held the spear until his death circa 306, to keep it from the Emperor Maximian)

Constantine the Great (Roman Emperor, b.337, d.361, who carried it into victory at the battle of Milvian Bridge, and also while surveying the layout of his new city, Constantinople)


Alaric (who sacked Rome)

Theodoric (the only man to force Attila the Hun to retreat, circa 451)

Justinian, Charles Martel (Frankish ruler, grandfather of Charlemagne, b.688?, d.741)

Charlemagne the Great, the Carolingian King of France, Emperor of the West, (b.771, d.814), who carried the Spear through 47 victorious battles, but died when he accidentally dropped it).

In the early 900's, it fell into the possession of the Saxon Dynasty of Germany, passing to Heinrich I the Fowler (Duke of Saxony, Saxon King of Germany, ruled 919-936).

The Spear was present at his victorious battle against the Magyars).

It was passed to his son Otto I the Great (Saxon King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor, ruled 936-973, - Pope John XII (term 955-963) used the Spear to christen him Holy Roman Emperor in 936.

Otto went on to carry the Spear into victory over the Mongols in the Battle of Leck.

After his death, there are conflicting stories of what happened to the Spear.

One tale says it was passed on to his son Otto II (Saxon King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor, ruled 973-983), then to Otto III (Saxon King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor, ruled 983-1002), and eventually to Henry II the Saint (Saxon King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor, ruled 1002-1024).

Another story claims it was moved to Antioch following the death of Otto I the Great, where it remained until rediscovered in 1098, during the First Crusade.

this is from http://thirdreichocculthistory.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-spear-of-destiny.html

The last "famous" person that tried to find it was Adolf Hitler he looked all over the place for it , he even stole the most important paintings of time to try and find it including Van Eyck painting The Ghent Altarpiece because he was convinced that encoded in this picture was the location of the spear of destiny and you know what he was right its right there . Thank God that he could not figure it out, but i have and i will tell you exactly where it is at and how to weld its powers. 

I will continue more on this in the next blog as the caduceus deserves its own section. 

The next Item on our list is the rainbow body (the robe of light, invisibility cloak, White clothes) here is here the Buddhist got it right it dissolves the body completely into light but remains functional and visible as light. The most famous of these people to have worn this robe was Padmasambava. 

(Do you see how the satanist like to turn the most holy and pure body you can have into a person that one that is the polar opposite, which of course is the group that is now associated most with the rainbow. )

Another key point according to the Gnostic's is that wearing the rainbow body (invisibility cloak) protects you from the Archons , so do not use the powers of the caduceus without wearing this or you will just be wide open to an attack. 

The ultimate Great accomplishment in meditation is the attainment of the Rainbow body. This is widely recognized as a sign of extreme sanctity in Tibetan Buddhism. So why do these people never obtain it if thats all they do 24/7 till they die??? there is the fatal flaw of Buddhism they say you will achieve the rainbow when you die, the bible states a similar lie of going to heaven when you die. The other lie is to do a closed eye meditation , you should do a eyes wide open mediation on the rainbow body  (Padmasambava )to activate your mirror neurons....after you got it then close your eyes theres are different goals.

The next object on our list  is the philosopher's stone or you can call this the cap of wisdom, helmet of salvation (pineal gland/Third eye ) It is either useless lead (fluoride), or priceless gold.

The next object on our list is breastplate of righteousness : pretty much self explanatory just do the right thing all the time. 

The next object on our list is belt of truth again easy know the truth and speak it . 

The next object on our list is shoes of peace do i really have to explain don't start no shit and don't take no shit.

The next object on our list is the shield of faith , where the mind goes the biology will follow if you believe it.  Do do you really believe you can activate these apps???

Let me brake it down for you, all religions have a great truths to them, however they all have a prebuilt limit to them , to prevent you from having power. This is why we have to jump around all religions in order to get the complete story. If you only follow one religion you will fail because ZERO religions tell you the whole truth , only listen to few truths in it and ignore the rest as that is were the mind control begins. 

(see how all religions are telling you the same story(watered down version with missing apps) just there way)

All of there apps are transmittable because there are vibration and should be viewed this was kinda like enbody , and internalize (inner ability) because these apps are ethereal symbols not physical objects. That's the lie Hitler believed that they were real items to find , rather than within us all. these are all latent abilities were are all designed to have and these pictures show how to get them. So unless you enter "heaven" alive you will just keep reincarnating here on earth until you do.

leviticus16:17 philos translation when the high priest of MELCHIZEDEK enters the holy of holies he shall not be a man , showing that the high priest was now more than human they return back to the pure light bodies of Adam & eve when the veil is crossed. 

This is the whole point of activating these apps is to cross the veil and come back ascended beings to walk between worlds just like Inana & to bring blessing to all. 

(are the same thing)



This is from William henry work called Arcanum  The Awakened Soul please watch all of it as he goes into great detail to get to what i showed you. This covered 2 full seasons of material in one page. Go watch the whole thing its well worth the 1 dollar for a trial on giam tv.

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