Removing garbage from the planet has become profitable. GREEN BLOCKCHEIN
On the Internet, we will find several stories of how people solve environmental problems. The most striking example is the action "Let's Do It!" The first time was organized in 2008 in Estonia and continues to gain momentum around the world. The next "general" cleaning will take place on September 15, 2018, 113 countries and more than 16 million people will take part in it.
Or maybe we are capable of more?
One-off shares are fine and we understand that every day to get someone to clean garbage it is utopia. And first of all we are stopped by economic reasons. Imagine what losses the economy brings on the day when 16 million people instead of working, go out to collect non-decomposable polyethylene.
And then why the hell do we need all this cryptoanarchy and bright future? In the end, to build a rocket and get out to Mars?
But we are in our blockchain we reward people for high-quality content. That is, if I'm not mistaken, 16 million people could blow up Steemit and GOLOS at the same time laying out posts about their "green" exploits. I have little technical knowledge about this process, I reason as an amateur, but ...
Let's look at it from the other side. Many of you create posts every day (or not every day) and for sure there are occasional situations: thoughts are over, there are no fresh ideas, the eyes are tired of the monitor. And then you surely go to the street and do some physical work and collect garbage around yourself. Does not everyone do this? Ha ha ...
The value of the product is determined by its importance to others, do you think that the photos from your vacation are more important than what really happens to the planet? If you believe the statistics, then soon in Photoshop should be a special function "remove garbage from the landscape." But maybe we will try to prevent a large-scale ecological catastrophe?
I encourage everyone to join the community such as "Let's Do It!", Including creating such communities within different "trade unions". I personally chose the mapala tag on ГОЛОС because it has the most "landscape" content. People who create it do not sit at home and therefore must see the surrounding reality as it is.
At Steemit we have Sailor's Knot - the trade union of crypto-sailors if you want. It's time to clean up the ocean.
What to do?
Nothing special. Join September 15 to the general movement and let's think about how you can beat this situation on the blockchain + create "green" content as often as possible. It is not necessary to lay out the garbage with the first photo. You can do it this way:

My secret place on La Gomera, Canary archipelago. There is a bit of rubbish here but enough. The problem is that this beach is very far to go on foot along the goat path. It was much easier for me on a yacht to collect a bag and take it to the nearest container. Guys! If I'll have were lunch from these actions, I would only be engaged in harvesting hard-to-reach beaches.

Let's merge such posts into hashtags, for example #knot #mapala, #blueplanet and try to attract the public to support a good beginning. How much money did Mapala collect at its competitions half a year ago? It is obvious that we need not only this, we need a little bit and constantly, however, so that somewhere there is at least some kind of economic stimulus.
I think it's possible.
As an instigator, I will try to track the process and here's another idea:
...a large role is given to mapping. The World Waste Platform and the World Cleanup App mobile application for garbage mapping in nature have been created, which everyone is encouraged to use. Based on the information collected and already available on the places where illegal dumps are accumulated, cleaning will take place.
Who knows how to create a similar application on a blockchain, or to introduce this technology into an existing one?
Lambos AND a cleaner planet!
I have been following a couple and the more the merrier when it comes to recycling, especially if it also helps with universal income.
There are a couple others I will have to dig up but this is another thing that excites me about blockchain.
Thank you! I will study projects. My English does not allow it to be done quickly, but I will try.
Ah your english is fine. Anything you don't understand, just change to YARRRR! and it will make sense.
Check out @knot blog here and follow if you like the content :)
@tipU is looking for SP delegators: pays out 100% of profit to all investors - more info here.
This post makes me think of a word i recently learned "Anthropocene". its the reflection of human impact on the planet - its a new era in our geology. Its not just garbage, but our overall footprint on the planet. More people should be aware of it, and recognize the immense impact we have on the environment.