Pedestrian ecotourism along the coast. Second day
It was a few days ago. I had the idea to walk more than fifty kilometers along the Red Sea coast the Sinai Peninsula, where I rented a house in Dahab with my family. I took a backpack, a skateboard, a sleeping bag, some food and water.
Starting at noon from Dahab by evening, I reached a deserted place behind the Blue Lagoon and spent the night there.
The next day began under a tree where I made a coffee pot from a tin can, snacked a carrot and went on.
In this desert traces of human presence are rather totemic in character, and a bunch of empty shells is not a restaurant, but a mention of the food chain where we are all only a part of it.
Sometimes there are abandoned fishermen's parking lots of Bedouins. Before the arrival of tourists in the Southern Sinai, several Bedouin families were the only people who wished to live in these impassable places where there is no soil and few sources of fresh water.
But despite the tourist boom, some Bedouins continue to fish and look like it is before the arrival of the modern economy with tourists to Sinai. Unless there was a outboard motor on the boat and a car instead of a camel.
The old fisherman still remembers those times when nothing happened. A traveler for him is more than a tourist: I was given water, fed with fish and rice, allowed to rest in one of the bungalo and did not take money.
Looking at this picture, I realized that I was in no hurry. Today I have everything I need for life and looking for adventure, I decided to make a radial ascent to the mountains adjacent to the shore of Aqaba.
Three trees together it's almost a forest for the Sinai desert. I chose this place for the next night parking. The tree is the center of life, you feel safe next to it and besides there are dry branches if you need to make a fire.
I rose even higher. Among the stones grows a huge green bush from which emanates the most delicious sweet aroma. But where does bush get water?
I found the answer to my question. As an example, next to a bush in a small depression in a huge stone was a puddle with fresh water. My idea of the desert changed. It's amazing, fantastic. A puddle of water!
I made a very short video and put my music in order to try and convey the atmosphere of the reality surrounding me.
Tomorrow I will try to collect water from the puddle, and there are many more adventures ahead, the journey has just begun.
Captain Akela!
This is great! What a super journey. I love traveling alone and trusting in the universe providing, either puddles of water or the kindness in strangers. I appreciate your writing and am enjoying following your adventures. Gratitude🙏🏼🗺💞 Love & Light, Magic, momentum, & manifestation💖✨