Ganzo Firebird FB7601 - Probably my favorite Ganzo ever!
Got this knife a while ago and am now ready (even long overdue) to write a review on it.
So, this time I ordered 2 versions of the same Ganzo knife in order to compare between the different versions - the black G10 variant and the CF laminate one.
Both were very similar in terms of quality, so this review will refer to both.
Gotta admit - the G10 knife was traded with a friend of mine, that liked it so much that he was willing to trade the much more expensive Kershaw Induction (with a Hawk lock) for it.
First impressions:
The Ganzo FB7601 comes with a standard Ganzo Firebird branded box with a microfiber cloth.
The quality out of the box was excellent with both - no fit and finish screwups, no bladeplay, centered blade, sharp edge (was made even sharper using a strop) and the best part - very smooth action on bearings and soft lock springs, that make it feel like a much higher class knife.
I disassemble almost every knife I get in order to clean it inside and make it smoother - but didn't feel like I need to do that with this one and in fact I haven't disassembled it till this day.
The Good:
- Fit and finish: amazing overall quality considering the price.
- Good ergonomics that will fit most hand sizes.
- Skeletonized liners for weight reduction.
- The looks are pretty great (considering this is an original Ganzo design).
- The price, considering the qualities.
- Steel is Ganzo's 440c, nothing fancy, but a decent budget steel.
The Great:
- The action: very smooth and has great opening and closing (uses ball bearings in the pivot).
Falls shut when the G-Lock is disengaged. - The lock springs are much less stiff (out of the box) comparing to the older Ganzo Firebird models and could be operated with using one finger.
(Have to make a remark here: I ordered another FB7601CF to give away in a GAW and the springs were stiffer than on the first 2 I got (got better with time though). So this can change from batch to batch). - A deep carry pocket clip that has great stiffness and doesn't look like the BM one.
- Finally - a Ganzo Firebird that isn't a direct copy of any model known to me.
Some could even say - ORIGINAL DESIGN.
Many of us wanted it - and now - here it is!
The Bad:
- The stop pin consists of 2 parts - the actual stop pin and a metal tube that goes over it.
I would prefer it to be one single part. - Not a con, but more of a suggestion for improvement - Ganzo, please consider coating the thumb studs, the hardware, the pocket clip and the G-Lock tab in black, that could really take your knives to the next level. I like the blue, but would like to see something new.
- The clip couldn't be reversed for left-handed carry.
The Ugly:
- Like I stated in the headline - this is probably my favorite Ganzo Firebird knife ever (those who follow my blog know I had lots of those coming through my hands), so it means something.
I like it the most probably due to the fact they implemented many features that me and other Ganzo knife fans have been telling them for a long time now (deep carry pocket clip, bearings with a G-Lock and to come up with original designs) and it feels so nice to see that a knife company has listened to what you wish for in a knife and act accordingly.
Knife could be found here: Ganzo Firebird FB7601
Discount price with a coupon GZFB7601 $14.99 (CF version only).
Ganzo Knives on Amazon with cheaper US shipping: Ganzo Knives on Amazon
Competitive option: Benchmade Griptilian