Globalists are exploiting us.
The tension is building as a growing percent of the Western public comes to realize how Western politicians and government policies are designed to exploit various factions of domestic and foreign populations.
The damage done to the Western economic system after the last two decades of exploitative policies, hasn’t yet worked its way through the economy to be fully felt by the public.
Unless some drastic and unusual changes and adjustments to the system are made, the worst is yet to come. The elites, through their bribed, coerced, and brainwashed minions, have literally been waging psychological and economic war against Western populations. And they’ve used Western taxpayer money and the military to impose some combination of economic and military tyranny on innocent populations and countries around the world. The Western manufactured Ukraine conflict is destroying the Western economy further while not one Western country, or Ukrainians in general, are benefitting from the conflict.
But the Western globalists? They are performing a controlled demolition they expect will increase their personal wealth and power as they’ll control more of the worlds resources “if,” that’s “if” things go their way. Things are not going their way where Russia is concerned but those policies, designed to harm Russia, are further weakening all Western populations in general economically, which, intentionally or not, is one direct result of the last fifty years of globalist elite mismanagement and malfeasance policies.
I for one, don’t think the policy makers are so dumb and incompetent that they didn’t know their recent decades of printing trillion$ in fiat currencies to benefit themselves, would lead to a significant degree of economic collapse which is being obscured by more bad policies.
The question now is how bad will things get with or without the Western policy makers insisting on and starting WWIII.