The Hanging Rock in Parapat is a Seruni figure wedged in the rock. Seruni chooses to die from being mated with his cousin.
Stone in Parapat, SumateraThis story keeps the sad story of Seruni, a beautiful girl who is arranged with her own cousin. Though he already has another man he loves. Feeling burdened, Seruni punmerenung in the field while seeing the view of Lake Toba with his dog, Toki. The despairing Seruni decides to commit suicide. Seruni walks to the cliff to jump to Lake Toba, but he does not pay attention to the road until it falls into the stone pit. The sight seeing tries to summon Seruni's parents and residents to help. While Seruni just resigned, he shouted Parapat parapat which means docked. Seruni ordered the stone to dock and squeeze it to death. Apparently true, when the citizens came, the hole was vibrating to squeeze Seruni until no longer visible. Then suddenly under the cliff formed a rock resembling a hanging female form. You can see the figure that is believed to be this Seruni from under the cliff.