Lex turns 50 sees Abe, a day of kings and me wearing orange for a challenge
Because @englishtchrivy dared to double dare me on Twitter. It was either accepting the day of Kings challenge by @edje, or run bluebeak naked through the streets of Winschoten in beautifull, yet freakin' stonecold, Oldambt. At least that is how I came to understand what being 'double dared' actually means. Therefore I decided, after hours of dubbing, to settle for the photo, you can see in this post. There I wear a red tie... Oh no, I am the one with the orange three quarter pair of pants. Still had my 'taps oan', but my shoes 'n socks 'aff'. So, the double in the dare is that I'm as close to naked as the weather would let me be.
Unfortunately I was just bad in my timing, again. So when my awesome daughter snapped me, I just had disappeared half behind 'oal Abe' {Abraham, whom you are supposed to see when you turn fifty.} As you may know, or not, this is a tradition in Nederland. When a woman or a man turn 50 they get a special birthday party. For woman the ceremony is called 'Sarah' and for men 'Abraham'. All kinds of mischief is done to the newly 50 aged one on their special lucky day. Like putting a puppet in their front garden, with texts on it like: "Hunk your horn 50 times when you pass between 6 and 9 in the morning." It's hilarious, I can tell you, oh my...
So, that is the Abraham puppet in front of me, dans le grand jardin. Also some playfull references to the 50th birthday of Lex {that is short for: Willem Alexander} are hidden like little gems there. Lex is almost two weeks younger than me and he likes beer and a good laugh too, so he's like an okay Dude. Ah, come on, this is the 21st century we live in, we are not that formal any more, well I'm not, any way. So cheers Mate, welcome to the world of Abe, where wisdom shall cometh upon Thee, although I can't tell for meself yet... Hope you had an awesome birthday.
Hope I'm still in time for the challenge...
By the way, has @meesterboom already delivered yet? :-p
Seeing Abraham at 50

original photo by my lovely daughter,
Abe photo & graphics by @oaldamster
all cc-by-sa licensed
Taps oan!! Hehe, is it actually now. Dash it I thought it was the weekend!!!
It is a great way to forecast the weather, hahaha.
Dang, then you just missed out on it!
Only just made it in time myself. :-)
Have a great day!
Aargh, i am daft. Thought I would have time to find something orange!! Ah well, the us always next year!
You'll be the first one next year to kick off the party! In an orange lion suit or something.
Anyway, weekend is closing in! 😁
Aaaaand moving on!
A lion suit, what a fantastic idea!!! Yes indeed, moving on!!!
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Thanks, that was actually helpfull! :-)
Nice (^_^)
Thanks! =D
What a tradition. It's so interesting seeing traditions other countries have!
Yes, it is a very special one. And Steem is a great place to share this with each other!
I agree! Following you!
Thanks! Following in return!
Nice one! Thank you for the entry.
Thank you and I guess it is mainly thanks to miss Ivy here perseverance that I just made it in time. :-)
And greatly appreciated you took the effort the great the entry! Hope you had a nice KIngsday as well.
Had fun making this one. :-)
Thanks, for me it was a relaxed chill day, hope you a great party!
Super! and thanks, my party was super for sure! I always do it less traditional, mostly skipping the free markets but hang ut with close friends and join in at one or more of the electronic dance festivals. This year it was Loveland, supporting one of my good friends spinning the wheels.
Mostly I at least will stroll along the free market, but this year at home it was nice and warm. :-)
Have a good weekend!
A great way of spending Kingsday as well :)
Wish you a great weekend too!
Thanks! :-)
Yeah !!!