I Want More Kindness in The World

in #kindness7 years ago

I'm on a few other social networks, also for prosperity, and so far this one has been at least paying, which I appreciate. I'm on another that has me so far at around $10,000 "virtual money", but nothing bank account wise. I know the game. I know that I have to contribute some of my real world $$ to get some real world $$ back from them. And the concept is similar, in that it requires daily posting to generate $$. It's a slow build too.

However, I have found on that site there has recently been some sentiments regarding race in a not very friendly way (I don't want to get into the specifics, because it would mean having to show some of the stuff that person has posted).

I'm a person of color. I'm very sensitive to that kind of material. I don't imagine ALL people of color feel the way I do, I believe though that most do. And I also think too that the person that was sharing what I considered offensive material was doing so out of their personal sense of entitlement for being a person of the majority race on the North American continent.

I had to remind them on one of their shares how they got to be "the majority race" on this continent and that their entitlement was not gotten from friendly exchange and fair value in trade. It was gotten through attempted genocide and what I consider barbaric practices to systematically push the previous inhabitants of this land into smaller and smaller corners. And that practice continues even now to this day.

But the world is waking up. And with the power of social media a lot of that "old way of thinking" is being exposed for what it is: prejudicial racism. And add a side of misogeny to that plate. These kinds of behaviors and ideologies have become distasteful to most, and in my opinion should no longer be welcome here or anywhere.

It just so happens we live in North America, and I do and would contend the same sentiment above if this kind of behavior were happening in any country abroad that I were living and attempting to make a living in. I'm fortunate though that here I get ostracized mostly verbally, thankfully (though I can see in some sections of the continent the threat of physical harm does exist), whereas I know in other countries that physical violence may occur with the raising of certain social ideals and freedoms.

In the end, I think being kinder to each other and having empathy is the path toward our freedom, pyschologically and socially. And it doesn't take much to be kind. It's easier than people realize.

warmhug 5.jpg


How can you get your money from Steemit in your account ?

Keep posting and interacting with others. And upvote peoples' posts you like. But mostly participate a lot so that others get to know you. I hope that helps @inder16 :)