RE: Kilez More - Spitze der Pyramide
Well, I don't think the highest part of the pyramide is a human, it's the opponent of God, which is the "God of this fallen/sinful/lost world" till the day when it's time for judgement, "Ephesians 6:12" and specially "Luke 4:5-7" are clearly by this.
An adventist who was born in a freemason-family with highest ranks told about this and specially unholy scriptures for members with high ranks, which he could read just for some hours, before he had to give them back and it was frightened what he told about.Meanwhile he's dead because he talked too much about this and it wasn't possible to go outside of this society without to get their punishment.
I'm really glad about your feedback, I think my possibilities are limited (to cut videos for songs against these satanists will not destroy illuminates), but if I reach just 1 person who starts to think about it and to find the truth because this start, then this work was worthwhile and I made it to make the job (Ephesians 5:10-11) which I have to do. :)