So there I was, just minding my own business and BAM! There was all this cold water rushing all over my body and my chest felt like it was on fire and and and the only thing I could think of was GO GET SOME AIR YOU IDIOT. So I did and here I am! Not exactly where here is yet, but I am here nonetheless. Hi! Who are you? I'm um... I don't even know who I am...maybe you can give me a name? Has to be good though. Don't want to be confused with anyone else. This looks like a big place...have to stay original. I think, I may have gotten separated from my pod...um I don't know. Just feel like there should be more like me. Kind of...lonely out here...but...glad I'm here! Not sure I could get back to where I came from even if I tried so...let's make the best of it!
You'll warm up here killerwhale, but you seam so nice and friendly and lonely, not much of a killer. Your welcome here in #thealliance, I think this will be a great new pod for you. You should consider adopting the title alliancewhale, since this is your new home.
nomnonommnomnom nom
The queen has come to say hello there little one. Great being on this journey to watch and help you grow big and strong
Nom nom
Well hello there Lil guy!
Um...hi...how are you?
I'm pretty good. You warming up over there? Getting used to the water a little bit? I know it's cold at first.
A little...still chilly...but I guess I'll get used to it...makes me hungry..
What exactly do you eat?
Welcome to our waters. You will warm up quickly here. We are friendly, supportive and have fun!
Yay! I like having fun! Wanna go swimming?
I can't wait for you to grow and help us all out!
nom nom nom Me too!
well written - hope your grow big and healthy - i am now following you support
Thank you...have you seen my mommy?