Killer poetry contest round 18... (Last Words... )
"I am dying", he said,
"Slowly but surely, I am dying I know,
I have no loved ones at hand to share death with me,
Its just you & my words to witness me go..."
"Keep writing", he says with a cough,
"For these words must not die with me",
So I fought my tears & I settled to write,
The last words of the man who i had hoped to be...
"First, tell John he must not give up,
My death is neither failure, nor a reason to stop,
I may be gone but life goes on,
Tell him the race is never complete until it is run..."
"Tell Ada", he pauses, "that I always loved her,
In my lonely dark life, she was the only star,
Tell her I loved her, even after she left,
Tell her I hold no grudges, & I have no regrets..."
"Tell Jumo..." he goes into a coughing fit,
And I wipe the tears now streaming down my face,
"Tears for a dying man are never worth it",
He quietly murmurs as he resumes again...
"Tell Jumoke to tell our son,
All about his father from when he is born,
That I regret being unable to hold his hands,
But tell Jumoke, Funsho must know his dad..."
"Tell my brother, that indeed I was wrong,
I now know: family, with family belongs,
Tell him I said, it is too late for me,
Tell him to go home, for that is where he should be..."
"And tell my mother", he whispers,
"Tell her Tunde has failed her,
Tell her I wished death to her was no stranger,
Tell her, that I would say her well to father..."
"I am dying Ade", he says,
"And I have kept my last message for you,
Ade, yours is important the most,
"Ade..." he mutters, and gives up the ghost...
p.s. names have been changed