10 simple steps to ruin your child's life

in #kids8 years ago

I am certain you must be wondering who on earth might want to find out about how he or she can demolish their child's life.

However, believe me, guardians, we do this, unwittingly regularly. I am certain sooner or later or other you would have thought about whether I am making a right showing with regards to with child rearing. Being a guardian can be out and out overwhelming. Much the same as no pregnancy is same, comparatively, no child rearing is same. Everybody has an alternate style of parenting.In reality, in the event that you google a word child parenting the page will explode with connections like there's no tomorrow. Everyone has inquiries and everyone has some answer around this overwhelming employment. It isn't a simple employment, it is more similar to a workmanship and not science which we as a whole learn for the duration of our lives. However there are couple of choices that we take, add to the kid's well being or general prosperity.

Imparting to all of you few traps which we guardians accidentally fall into.

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1.Consenting to every one of their requests:-

Go back to your own youth and recall how you were raised, how not every one of your requests concurred.Not everything we wanted came to us every time. We needed to strive to get what we needed. We need to practice the same with our kids. Make them value everything.

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2.Dressing your child in expensive designer outfits all the time:-

It's not a question if we can bear the cost of today or our folks couldn't manage the cost of in those days. It's about esteeming things. My childhood was extremely straightforward and me and my sister(3 yrs senior to me) we used to share garments. Truth be told, despite everything we take after that after such a variety of years of being hitched (It has helped us keep our bond solid). Being 3 kids in a family we used to get new garments each Diwali, yet there was a massive appeal in that. We esteemed and valued it all together. Times have unquestionably changed and possibly as guardians we have to keep kids at standard with different children. Be that as it may, we have to give them a chance to have a simple childhood, without weights of designer wear dependably.

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3.Putting her needs above everybody else's:-

I am certain looking at the parenting style then and now, however, I am doing this as I feel we are a result of out and out different parenting. Nowadays we ask our children regularly " how would you feel about it?". We conveyed ourselves to the level that we would do things according to our child's feeling and not what is ideal for them. The kid may not have a craving for doing homework, or may not have a craving for conversing with somebody, or dislike to learn right now knowing it's his exam the following day.

Things being what they are, would we say we are going to give them a chance to think about how they are feeling? Maybe it's about time we frame our questions differently by asking them What do you think? rather than How do you feel?

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4.Amusement/Entertainment as the highest priority:-

We frequently make our arrangements keeping our child's amusement in mind.If the youngster needs to play a board-game we will ensure that the demand is met. Then again in the event that she needs to watch her most loved cartoon for 100th time we will joyfully submit to the solicitation.On the other hand, when we are in public areas, we don’t want our child to scream and embarrass us so we hand over the gadget so that the child is engaged. Gradually this turns into a standard and your youngster will get used to moving you, to keep them always delighted and entertained. Gone are the times when there were such unique days on more than one occasion in the year, now we are attempting to make every day an uncommon one for our kid. We are running over the top with frequent uncommon excursions, fun food, and over the top gatherings for children. Give your child a chance to discover happiness in little things of life, as you have developed with all these little things thus you value all that today. In the event that you put everything on your child's feet, trust me your youngster is setting out toward inconvenience.

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5.Customizing the menu as per your kids wish:-

No child ought to eat what he doesn't like!!! Do you tail this? Want to think not. We should not arrange our dinners according to the decision of our kids. They don't come with direction manual and they don't know what's great or terrible for them. We accept that call. Henceforth guarantee everything that is useful for your youngster, they have it.Obviously, by this, I don't intend to say that the kid ought to be denied his most loved food. In any case, that is an extravagance which ought to be permitted once in a blue moon.

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6.Your marriage takes a backseat:-

Usually, once the kid is born the greater part of us spotlight on our kids more than our marriage. Furthermore, when our children need anything we would be prepared to blaze the midnight oil and complete things, however when our life partner needs something we may very well say kindly do it without anyone's help since I have a lot of as of now on my plate. Trust it or not, your bond with your life partner is the one which requires the vast majority of your consideration and necessities tending. The best blessing that we can give our kids is a solid marriage. It is the foundation of future for your child. It gives them security, love, having a place, quality and an illustration which they will follow in future. Keep in mind that quote, "home is the primary school. Teach them well".

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7.Enrolling your kid for endless extracurricular activities:-

Give time to your children in their initial youth. Attempt and comprehend their loving towards a specific leisure activity. Give them the choice to pick what they like the best (unquestionably, you know give them little power, this will help them in decision-making process).

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8.Not scolding your child for her mistakes:-

Always agreeing with your kids' stance even when they are wrong or supporting them for their terrible conduct. Numerous parents don't have the foggiest idea about the right approach to train a youngster, so they choose to do nothing instead. One has to set clear and steady guidelines and outcomes for children.If they carry on in school or open, take away a benefit, for example, TV or recess with companions (For younger kids/little children don't converse with them or make them stand in a corner till they realize.Remember discipline originates from the early age. Use timeouts for misbehaving at home and explain why the undesired conduct is unacceptable.

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9.Don’t share your faith in prayer:-

Does your child see your faith in the power of prayer? They can see our devotion once in a month or only as per the special occasion.If we want to pass the vibrant faith of prayer to our kids then we need to practice it often (possibly daily). Pray together as a family. Memorize chants together as a family. Let your children see your faith in everything that you do.

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10.Fighting with your life partner:-

With complete sympathy towards the couple who fight regularly. I might, in any case, want to highlight that calling names to each other, shouting and undermining front of your child can have the long haul physiological impact. Keep it common front of the children and take contentions into another room or outside. Take your child to a doctor to help get them through a divorce or family problems. Instill in your child that name calling and violence are unacceptable ways to deal with conflict.

I am certain out of the above no less than one of the focuses would have hit your nerve, take a stab at taking care of that difficult nerve. Until the time we have children living under one rooftop with us, we should endeavor the best of endeavors to be the guardian which we wish to replicate for future. Cos they don’t come with an instruction manual they take after what we do and what we do they actualize and what they execute is the repercussion what they have developed seeing. So you see its endless loop. We have to do it the correct way today.

To wrap things up, everything highlighted above is my own assessment, you might possibly concur with a few or the vast majority of it. Be that as it may, I am attempting to help the ones who fall into both of the 10 focuses.

Happy parenting!

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Completely agree. The biggest one is #4 I think. When everyone always asks the child "are you having fun?" then the child grows to expect that they are required to "have fun" all the time during all activities. If an activity isn't resulting in them "having fun" then something is wrong or they're doing something wrong. Comments such as "why didn't you have fun at school today?" just screw them up.

@saiku agree with u too :)

Creating a menu around your kids is a big one... today everyone says to make food fun for the kids... feed them things they like... I say if they don't like it they can go hungry. We don't always get what we want in life and it is important that they learn that at a young age.

@jrcornel I agree with u , I would let them work hard for everything when they grow up they will be in a position to decide what's good or bad for them easily

Good stuff here, my first child just turned 1 so I have to learn all these things! +follow

Excellent post about parenting, and as a father to a 2.5 year old girl, I have to constantly go over these different aims and goals in my head to make sure I'm on track :) I am very, very thankful that your point about discipline maintained a peaceful perspective. That is, far and away, the best kind of perspective we as parents can use.

great article :) once again ....My daughter just turned 22 and kind of glad I am through lol

😜 I should write a few steps how kiddos can ruin their parents life Hahaa just kidding but if you have children you know what I mean 💜

@mammasitta sadly i'm just 21 :p

Well done! Good post and some useful information for parents out there!

@firepower thanks means a lot

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