I am the new preacher at UCSD Unitarian Meet up which I am reformatting to include all faiths not just "pagans" no more secret rituals... all rituals will be public or announced as peivate. Magik is now on the blockchain

in #keylontics7 years ago


Once ALL magic Clear and Shadow, is on the blockchain like I have mine, then no secret rituals can be done that have real life effects... voodoo dolls will just be a sport for fun and nano tech voodoo being tested o. me woll never defeat my kryatAllah God h Allan Allah Given Nano Tech from University of California and @thedegensloth and his biotech connections Muhahahaha want the cure for Cancer and HIV? Better come to San Diego CA where the winners of my Challenge Dad will be given ackza' s access to my Childhoods End Secret Nanotech pokemon formula that will never be defeated because I ascended the planet with krystic metatronic spirals and I teach the ET and IT keylontic ascension mechanics thats onky inside me, not my mom and dad and its onky in my non clonable 48 strand DNA

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you have always been a preacher sharing great news of this blockchain and EOS. Keep making it big everywhere @ackza

I sure would like to get my hands on those secret formulas, what do i have to do?😄

Interesting, perfect shot m8

@nattybongo email Scripps Mercy, and UCSD medical center San Diego and Email Sharp Mesa Vista where I was born, during a lightening storm, during stock market crash 1987, September 23rd and it was after midnight like 1 or 3 am and so think about "war of the worlds" the lightening rod is a soul magnet for allowing souls trapped in "heaven" aurora borreilis to come back down and reincarnated via moon matrix square waves and my karma is so light I can start levitating i just need to eat better lighter food ... anyway I am getting alien nightvision goggles again to do live @dlive.io @dlive skywatches and I will use alien reverse engineered cheap laser printer gloves and show African children at my favorite kumasai orphanage how to build their own laser gloves just teach the kids to wear their laser safety goggles and how lasers can blind so we will have special safety glasses to control the laser intensity so you literaly wont be allowed to shine the laser in someone's eye it will just not work.. and you CAN use a VERY out of focus and low Intensity laser i know i have had them flash over my eyes many times and I was fine... I'm serious man @mcsamm we will remind @surfyogi why he is here and how Angels havr to perform angelic duty for themself and they MUST talk with me here in San Diego capital of tech where I can send people around my town the healthcare capital and I will promote @nairadaddy and his @airclinic just try to place some logos for SCRIPPS and SHARP and UCSD and remember that you can legally place whatever logo you want just disclaim that you're NEW goal is to work with these organizations and place a 10 steem bounty (which I will pay if someone does it) to anyone who can arrange for me an exclusive meeting wiyh Any of those healthcare hospital organizations ... I will pitch airlcclinic as both a business and charity AND A Public relations COOP where they can be seen as investing in an African Nigerian blockchain healthcare app which can give homeless people or travelers and those who want to stay off the grid a chance to stay out if the scarey medical establishment which locks people away without giving them a place to go ... they need options and here in California Ronald Reagan was a great man and FREED the mental slaves from the mental hospitals and people say he shoudontbhave done that when those facilities were stealing organs and farming crazy people exploiting fellow human beings.. so the healthcare industry has a alot of bad karma to deal witth... the fire dept has the Stargate keys in every h opsital elevator and San Diego is full of underground tunnels like Bsin and I also want to free slaves and give eveey American citizen a small piece of federal land if they win a simple online game so people know its real... a game show will allow eveeyone to apply to learn a skill and then be given a free 1 acre of land inside s national park and depending on its near random location they won't be allowed to legally build a house there there untill they follow the laws about building roads but since all human activity will be monetized by EOS San Diego and challenge dad token challenge zack token well we have to make sure the environmentalists are understanding that the many homeless people and students and inner city youth who apply for this free acre of half acre or 0.1 acre of land , that they will become custodians or groundskeepers and zoo keepers because this whole planet is one big zoo us included.. and there will be "new species" discovered or planted here from dying worlds and we will quarantine new animals and genetically engineer extinct animals that needed a little more time

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