lose weight on a keto diet
If you’re looking to lose a bit of weight or you want to lose more than just a few pounds, a keto diet, more specifically, a keto-low fat diet, which is not a keto diet, will be very useful.
The keto diet means eliminating your carbohydrates in order to cut down fat consumption, thus achieving ketosis, otherwise known as a state of ketones in your body whereby the body uses up its glycogen stores, thus making you feel full and burning fat.
In this post, I’ll be focusing on cutting back to around 800 calories a day from my usual intake of 1,400 or more calories per day.
My knowledge of food comes from my childhood and I don’t have a cooking degree. That’s why I followed the nutritionist’s advice and started eating less at night.
I will try to spend the few days following this post on this keto diet followed with the rest of my calories, though. I am telling this for you so you can start on your own keto diet.
Dieting By Large Larger (keto) Amounts of Vegetables
My first protein meal was my very first day on a keto diet at home, which was spent around noon. I cut back to around 800 calories, which in comparison, was like giving myself a hearty dinner.
From there, I don’t remember much at all. I was temporarily on board with the keto diet and enjoyed following the diet.
I thought by cutting back on foods, I would stop eating carbs, but that was actually untrue. I stayed on this keto diet, though.
Other Planets
Starting the day also meant I had to eat more protein than most of the day. I increased my calorie intake by around 45%.
In reference to my experience, I kept going with my keto diet in the evening after I finished a relatively strong workout session. I continued cutting out carbs, not focusing on breakfast. I then finished around 5 pm and ended the day.
My First Meal Again
In my first meal of the day, I had a snack with a balanced meal, beginning with chicken and veg instead of a big bowl of pasta and more protein.
In addition, I had a sandwich for lunch. I thought since the beginning of the day had been a slim and healthy breakfast, the lunch in a similar shape would remain. However, it didn’t really work out that way, as I had a very weak lunch.
According to a major study, my first meal, 6 pm, brought on one of the sharpest meals of the day. I ate between 200 and 1,400 calories. My next two meals, from 7:30-8 pm, and 5-6 pm respectively, brought about a decent afternoon meal, around 1,000 calories.
My positive effect on my sugar levels and metabolism are the most critical reasons why I started my keto diet. The science indicates that cutting back on daily carbs (foods that have sugar), helps to get rid of excess fat in your body, which means you are constantly feeling fuller, causing a significant weight loss benefit.
Our eating habits have a large impact on how much excess fat we accumulate. Our bodies store as much as 40% of their carbohydrates in our adipose cells, called fat cells.
Cutting back on carbs was, therefore, incredibly beneficial. It took just under a week for my keto diet to start working. I left the keto diet that day and haven’t looked back.
Diet Constantly Changed
Throughout the course of my time on the keto diet, I lost the whole of my once-salt-rich chocolate, but I’m looking at the positives.
Instead of going for a coffee in 5 different cafes a day, I stopped. My metabolism is so much better and I feel much more energized. A few months on, I’m on my way to becoming keto again, or a couple of times a week.
There’s an amazing photo on Instagram of a shot of me. Uncut from the sides, this “stolen” shot reveals how different my body has been posting keto. I like to compare photos and see how they pan out from one another.
If you want to lose weight with a keto plan go here➜https://bit.ly/3ouG1MM