What is Keto Diet?

in #keto4 years ago (edited)

“Ketogenic diet, simply called Keto diet is a high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate diet that conditions body to extract energy primarily from fat stores rather than glycogens and thus assist fat loss”


Our body has two major energy sources.

Carbohydrates which are converted to glucose and stored as glycogens at various muscle sites and liver.



Basically, our body is naturally programmed to derive energy from glycogens. So, if we take a diet having mixed macro profile i.e. adequate amount of carbohydrates and fats, carbohydrates fulfill energy requirements while fats directly gets stored in reserves. So, body does not use fats to gain energy in normal conditions.

However, under some circumstances, body produce energy from fat cells and proteins( amino acids present in muscles) too such as:

When performing steady and long-duration cardio exercises like marathon. Body breakdowns muscles too and thus feed on protein extracted. That is why marathon runners are generally skinny with lower muscle mass.When doing high-intensity cardio or exercises requiring large amount of energy in shorter time like Sprinting. Body rapidly needs energy which, glycogens are unable to provide. Hence, body goes into reserve mode and starts spending fat and little of muscles. That is why sprinters are mostly hypertrophic. When we reduce carbohydrates intake to such an extent that glycogens starts draining and gets completely exhausted.

Third one holds relevance wrt current topic. Glycogens go bankrupt.

On prolonged existence of this condition( 3–4 days or a week ), body and mind are tuned to tap fats and thus, body goes into Ketogenesis. Fats are burnt massively at all times. Ketones are the by-products and thus, this diet is named as Ketogenic, or Keto diet.

Ketones find outlet through sweat, urine and mouth. As a result, smell of sweat, urine and breathe changes since ketones are foul smell producing substances.


  1. Rapid fat loss
    Since fats are burnt effortlessly at all times and glycogens are null, body sheds weight in no peroid of time. I had witnessed approx 7 Kgs of weight in a span of 22 days of ketosis.

  2. Increased focus
    When we consume Carbohydrate, blood pressure lowers during digestion, which creates lathargy. Besides, brain is made up primarily of fats, keto diet nourishes brain.

  3. Euphoria (elevated feeling of well being and positive excitement)
    Mood remains stabilised. Body is in continual fat shedding process. Dopamine levels are high.


  1. Hard times forcing body into ketosis
    Initial 3–4 days are seriously killing. Body is in transient stage of switching from carbs to fats. It responds with low energy levels, frequent bad moods and huge cravings for carb rich meals like rice, pasta, pizza, bread, dal, chapatis etc. However, these symptoms fade after body fully enters ketosis.

  2. Lower stamina
    One can not run with as high vigour and for longer time. One can not lift heavy weights with more reps.

  3. Extremely precise probe required on macros intake
    Even 10–20 gms of surplus carbohydrates spike insulin and thus take the body out of ketosis. One need to go through same trauma again. Carbohydrate intake is to be kept extreme low(15–20 gms of starchy carbs). Even a garlic or ginger’s carb content should be counted.

  4. Bad breathe
    As previously discussed. Floss daily. Chew cardamom pods in between social interactions.

  5. Constipation
    Refraining from Carbs deprives us of fibres. Fibres assist bowel movement and help maintain a healthy colon. Hence, it is highly recommended to take green veggies (brocoli, spinach, beans ) as a source of fibre.

Common mistakes:

  1. Increased protein content
    In lieu of preserving muscle mass, people go to extremes in protein intake. However, too much protein can make body derive glucose from protein under a process called Gluconeogenesis. Now, body will have glucose and insulin spike. Hence, ketosis is gone. So, keep protein moderate. [Rough estimate of 70 Percent of fats, 25 percent of proteins and 5 percent carbs of total calories holds.]

  2. Prolonged keto diet
    It is generally told that one month or 6 weeks is the sufficient time span for maintaining this diet. Prolonged keto can cause long term health issues and physically weaken the body, impair body's metabolism beyond repair. Moreover, curbing insulin spike for a very long peroid can lead to Type-2 diabetes.

  3. Lack of portion control
    Allowance of high fats does not mean face first on a bowl full of butter or big chunks of cheese. Caloric Deficit rule still applies to body when weight loss goals are sough after. If fats more than permissible limit are consumed, caloric intake goes up and thus body will not burn fats.

  4. Post-Keto
    I have seen people gulping down carbphydrates such as rotis, chawal, pizza etc to the limit of mental satisfaction( whatever comes). I made the same mistake and gained back 2–3 Kg in the process. First few days of post keto should be handled with only one meal of carb followed by gradually increasing carbohydrates.

  5. Alcohol
    Hard drinks like Whiskey, Rum when consumed alone( without soft drink, soda etc.) deepen the ketosis. However, alcohol, being high calorie substance(7 Cal per gms which is less than fat but more than Carbs) and toxic in nature, can postpone weight loss goals.

I hope it helps. Information was collated over a peroid of time from various trustable sources back when I was planning and executing it on myself. Correct me if wrong.

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