Made in Palm Oil1
Masak sayur campur: kacang buncis, pucuk ubi, cendawan, cili hijau, bawang merah & putih, lobak masin, telur. Minyak masak kelapa sawit. Hias dgn timun berselang lobak merah. Nasi putih. Makan timun & lobak mentah itu bersekali, ada bunyi yg menarik. Cubalah...lazat & berkhasiat.
Hey @febryrmadn, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)
That is my first art
Selamat @febryrmadn! Sudah berkumpul di Steemit. Suka melihat anda ngumpul di sini.. diupvote yah.. 😉