Keiser Report Marathon 2021 E1

in #keiser3 years ago


Welcome to the Keiser Report Marathon 2021. The Keiser Report Battle. We are blockchaining the crooks to their crimes. We are blockchaining the liars to their lies. We are connecting the dots for a view of the hidden agenda now exposed as the New Normal. The main question in this flagship episode asks AmeriKKKa in 2009: Why did they let those
crooks on Wall Street take down the
entire economy?

This is the question that I will address in this first installment of the Keiser Report Marathon 2021.

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Well I have upgraded my intelligence on a scalar level since I started doing these marathons back in 2017. My goal has been to establish myself as the Top Follower of the Keiser Report. Each time I begin one, I start at episode 1. So I challenge all person's that suscribe to the contrary. Let's do this!

Obama's Administration had 25 members of the CFR

We are now the subject of a global economy. This World Order knows no boundaries in their quest for FULL SPECTRUM DOMINATION.

Is this some type of KKKONSpiracy Theorem that I am just ranting about or is this an intelligent, scientific method with a purpose?

Robert E. Rubin | Council on Foreign Relations

The leaders of the kkkriminal banksterdz in 2009 have been exposed. They must be referred to often if we're going to follow the money in an effective manner.


We have the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. We have the Secretary of the Treasury. We have the head of the New York FED. We have a revolving door of insiders that claimed authority over a financial apocalypse.

A Conversation with Lawrence H. Summers Council on ForeignRelations

We have lifelong, unelected individuals moving back and forth from public life to private business without the full disclosure that is necessary to having informed consent to the policies that they have negotiated behind closed doors.

If we look to the future we will see that these same shenanigans have endured in a blatantly oppressive fashion. What do I mean?The so-called elite have escaped justice for their crimes of mass financial genocide and are tightening the screws on the Earth's populations.


The revolving doors lead to the banks, the government, the defense contractors, the medical monopoly, the food industry, the education racket, and on and on.
American Presidents at the Council on Foreign Relations

Hypocrisy runs rampant in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. While the billionaire banksterdz were begging for compassion for complicity in the crisis, they were secretly manipulating We the People with financial shock therapy administered by the secret state-controlled propaganda lie machine.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor
The newly elected vice president of AmeriKKKa in 2009, who is the same president of 2021, has been blockchained by shockleftmedia as a KKKonzPirate. This link shows clear collusion with foreign powers to thwart due process of law on a global level.
Citigroup gets massive government bailoutNo

So why is this bank receiving a bailout? Is it because they control the new administration of Obama/Biden. How did Citibank influence the formation of the new administration's cabinet? Each question represent a dot that, when answered, reveals 2 or more people plotting in secret to commit criminal acts.

Link to transcript

Now that we are clear that a KKKonzPirate has been identified, let's take a look at how the KKKonzPirate is affecting the events of history provided in this flagship episode of the Keiser Report, episode #1.

Ed Show : U.S. funding the Taliban Ed Should R.I.P.
We learn in this excerpt by Ed Shulz, rest in peace, how the Afghanistan war was "sort of like the mafia". This is a clue that will help us understand, in the future, what the the KKKonzPirate of 2021 has done and will do to obfuscate the poisonous fruit resulting from 911 George W.Bush's war on terror.

McDonald's Hiring At Guantanamo Location - NPR

Here's is a clue that truly demonstrates AmeriKKKan hypoKKKrisee in effect. Bush II wants Guantanamo. Obama says he's going to close it. Trump says he will keep it open even though he's flabbergasted by the $13,000,000/inmate price tag. Who pays for this? The AmeriKKKan taxpayer. That would be you and me. Meanwhile, in 2021, Old Joe says quietly that he's considering shutting down Guantanamo. Yeah right. C'mon man.

GE (!) is in trouble

Well looks like GE used their Islamic Bonds to become three new businesses. A health care business. A power business. An aviation business. I will refrain from revealing my analysis of this mix. All that I will say is that a lot of Tesla technology was withheld from the public. The fact that Nikola Tesla is cancelled from history leads to questions about who is hiding history.

Nomi Prins How Central Banks Rigged The World

As we near the close of the first episode of the Keiser Report, we meet Nomi Prins who has thoroughly documented the 2008 financial debacle. I gleaned many insights from listening to the compilation of her many television interviews. We learn of her connections to Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, and George Soros. So while she is an expert on the subject, we must root out corruption. In an earlier part of the video, we hear a caller on CSPAN, complaining about how the George W. Bush administration was hiding history from the AmeriKKKan people and changing history as well.


Danny Schechter: The News Dissector
In Debt We Trust

Here, Danny Schechter, the news dissector, gives us the digest on how we were plundered by the suicide banksterdz and insider spekkkulatorz.

So as I close my first stop in the Keiser Report Marathon 2021KRB, I will just leave you with the only man so far that has done some meaningful arrest to the development of the fiat money printers. I will study this guy and hopefully come up with a ton of solutions for the People's Rebellion against Banksterdz Okkkupation. Please forgive my kkk lingo and serpent endings. Gotta do it. Until next time. See y'all later.


Bill Black The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One


Tuesday June 25, 2024
R csi krm
Nomi Prins
Permanent Distortion
Article 13 of an amendment to change the constitution.
The Thirteenth Amendment to the constitution.
All the President's Bankers
Is this neo feudalism?
What are your thoughts about the normalization of the grotesque?
Obama coup d'etat game attracts thousands
Harmid karzai elected for 2nd term.
Russia has first global conference on road safety
Swine flu in Ukraine.
Iran rejects uranium enrichment plan.
EU looking for a new president
Are we at the point of global insurrection?
Danny Schecter
What caused the economic calamity?
What are some of the most shocking predatory practices?
How can you have a crisis and nobody goes to jail?
Isn't fraud the entire system in America?
What role did the media play in the financial crisis of 2008
How is a debt free future possible?
Nomi Prins is the connection of the first KR and the last KR.🤔

William Black QR
Nomi Prins QN
Danny Schecter QB
Brooksley Bourne Q
Max K
Stacey KB
Rough draft

Why is Obama bowing so deeply?
Maybe it's because we want something from big daddy money printer
Somebody knows what Obama wants.
He wants some more money. He's sorry about what Bush did. Please help keep America great.
Help the American people
Help the speculatorz
Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of US, INC. since 1871

These are the headlines scrolling across the last KR.
The prelude to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
From the Russian perspective
And from Ukraine s point of view


So we must connect the bankers to the Ukraine Russia War.
Where does John Brennan and Afghanistan have to do with all of this? How does the Sovereign Citizen movement come into play? We are connecting the greatest game to the Keiser Report Marathon to get an understanding of the situation. The goal is to connect the dots 🤔

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When I watched the KRe1 to commence KRM2024, these are the words that comprise the videos suggested by YouTube for me. My last KRM in 2022 featured advertisements for Joe Biden. So I can speculate about what the algoNoRhythmz baLeev I should be watching 🤔

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