The Kavanaugh PSYOP

in #kavanaugh6 years ago

trump-cover-final-e1487295095347-1.jpgIn retrospect, the nomination of Kavanaugh did not tempt the Democrats into attacking his deep state history, and his role in the 9/11 Bush White House. It did, however, still tempt them into launching a most obviously desperate and immoral attack, and exposing and undermining themselves, all the same.

The sexual assault allegations were just the kind of desperate, obvious, and cynical deep state dirty trick that exposes the real extent of the desperation and depravity of the deep state and Democrats, for all to see.

The whole spectacle served to expose the deep state Democrats as being so desperate, and underhanded, that they would concoct such unfounded allegations. It shows that they are perfectly willing to undermine the entire #metoo movement by pushing an obviously false allegation.

The radical Leftist Democrats have shown everyone that they are willing to throw women in general under the bus, by crying wolf. To all those with eyes to see, it was a disgusting and depraved assault, and an insult to the intelligence of Americans. Everyone should be appalled at the damage this false attack has done to all real victims of rape and sexual assault, for it casts doubt on all victims.

In the broader context, the whole automatic belief of Ford’s story, just because she is a woman, exposes the sexist misandrist bias of the ‘progressive’ Left. Everyone with a husband, son, brother, or father is forced to consider what it would be like if they were subjected to such false and unfounded claims—for purely political reasons.

Even within the subconscious minds of diehard Democrats, the obvious possibility that the allegations were unfounded cannot help but fester, hiding behind a veil of cognitive dissonance and self-deception.

Indeed, the end result was so obviously damaging to the Democrats that followers of Q are tempted to entertain the idea that it was actually engineered by the Q team as a PSYOP, to irreparably damage the image of the Democrats—the first of many October surprises as we head toward the midterms.

Many within the Q following believe that many members of the deep state have been flipped, and are being used to play specific roles in the greater political drama, as conditions of their plea deals.

Such roles are chosen, so the theory goes, to deliberately expose the desperation and corruption of the Democrats, in such a way that is both obvious enough to be clearly damaging, while also being consistent enough with the Democrat playbook as to not be too suspicious.

It is not inconceivable that such a strategy was employed with Ford, for the allegations were so dramatically unfounded as to be highly suspicious. None of Ford’s family came to support her. Even her best friend refused to back her up. Her story was obviously riddled with major inconsistencies. She was unable to remember significant details, which is rare in real assault victims. The four witnesses she named all maintain that the party never even happened. Etc., etc...

Now that we are poised on the threshold of his inevitable confirmation, we have the additional step of the secretive final FBI investigation. Senators will be able to view the results of this investigation, but only for a limited time, and only within a secure room. It begs the question of what exactly the investigation exposes.

Given the absolute control and surveillance capabilities of the administration, with the full resources of the NSA, DIA, and CIA available, it is entirely possible that the investigation actually exposes proof of the conspiracy of the Democrats with deep state CIA assets to frame, slander, and undermine the confirmation of Kavanaugh.

Discretely showing the Democrats proof of their conspiracy would serve as the ultimate trump card. After all, Trump and the Q team are in absolute control of this entire political drama. They have such absolute supremacy that they don’t even need to declassify the majority of the intelligence they have. The only thing that matters, at this point, is that the Democrats know that they have been absolutely defeated.

At this point the most important detail is the number of votes. They will likely use their leverage to force the vote to be precisely 53-47, to serve as yet another confirmation that the Q team is not only real, but in total control.

The extent of the coming October surprise(s) will be calculated to inflict maximum political damage on the Democrats, enough to secure a healthy Red Tsunami, while still falling short of overplaying it.

The amount of damning information that Trump has at his disposal is far more than enough to totally obliterate the deep state Democrats. Doing so, however, could cause chaos, and be too destabilizing of the greater social order of the nation. The goal, at this point, is no longer achieving victory, but doing so with the greatest degree of finesse and grace. A powerful, but smooth, Red Tsunami.

Trump, and the Q team, are in total control. The game is now rigged in their favor, for they have the ultimate weapon against the deep state: Truth. This month we will see the measured release of just enough of this Light, October surprises just powerful enough, to reliably conjure the Red Tsunami. Enjoy the show!


Hmm, but Kavanaugh is his attacker is one and the same. The power of makeup.

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