Kartiy Wallet
I will tell you today about Kartiy Wallet.Whats is that Kartiy Wallet ? Kartiy build the most convenient Crypto Wsllet that will let you hold your digital assets with the same easy as cash or payment cards — anywhere in the world.
What are the current functions of Kartiy Wallet?
We are constantly adding new features in Kartiy wallet to give you as many options of using your e-assets in everyday life as possible. Right now you can:
Send funds to any bank account — whether you want to refill your balance, or pay your mortgage and bills
Receive / Hold / Send 100+ crypto
exchange crypto with Low fees
Apply for Crypto Card
What currencies does Kartiy wallet support?
The Kartiy Wallet allows you to store your funds in BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, BTG, Dash, ETC and KRTY. New currencies will be added regularly. At the beginning, we will be focused on the most popular coins and tokens, like XRP, Dash, XEM, NEO, MIOTA, or XMR, moving to other Top100 coins. You can also suggest your favorite currencies in our Telegram Chat, and we shall be happy to review. Once you store your digital assets in Kartiy Wallet, you’ll be able to check the real-time value of your assets in US Dollars, Euro, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollars, Indian Ruppes or British Pounds.