Karma! What Is It? Part 2

in #karma7 years ago (edited)

Karma Part 2

So now that I have gone over the very technical aspects of karma, I figured I would try and create a post that touches on the day to day of karma. I am not going to get too much into intent on this post, just every day interactions that effect your karma.

    *Every decision we make effects our karma!

Karma is accumulated and burnt in every life time, it is an all encompassing force that dictates the outcome of every sentient being in all of Samara. Each being is born, lives to some point, then dies, and then re-birthed into another being again. The type of being one is born into depends on their karma at the time of re-birth, you can accrue both positive and negative karma in the time it takes to be re-birthed!

    *Samsara : An illusion of reality that bounds all sentient beings by there karma!

I will be using numbers to explain this part of karma, I have found that it makes it easier to comprehend. Lets just say for example their is a brand new sentient being, and since it came into being inside of samsara it has to have some karma.
That is right, even having positive karma bounds you to samsara, to be enlightened you have to have no karma at all. So it is here in the illusion with lets say 100 positive karma(PK) and 20 negative karma(NK), we make it a human like species just to make it easy at first. Now even babies create both PK & NK, I know not fair right, this really gives rise to that saying that life is not fair. OK the baby gets very little karmic impact P or N, so the baby gets mad, you took the toy away. The NK of the baby goes up to 20.1, and not two miniutes later the baby shares its toy with its sibling, the babies PK goes up to 100.2. Now did you notice the negative karma did not go away, that's how it works. The positive and negative karmic impact becomes even higher the older you get, too a point at which you are fully aware of your actions and there effect. This applies only to being that have higher levels of understanding of how there reality operates.

Lets make the being 25 years old now, and its karmic score is 500 PK & 750 NK. What assumption would you make by seeing this score? Most would assume that the being is more bad then good, right! This is not the case, remember how I said that your negative karma does not just go away if you do good deeds. The only ways your negative karma can be removed are by;

    1. Practicing a spiritual path! (Eastern religions have many techniques to get rid of negative karma)
    2. By your negative karma activating, that means some thing bad happens to you.

Negative Karma

I'm going to focus on NK for a bit, it is the karma one must get rid of first.
If any being does not actively seek ways to get rid of there karma they will stay in cyclic existence, your karma transfers from life to life. You really can't have enough bad happen to you in one life to burn off all the negative karma accrued, so one must find a way to actively burn or negate their NK. On top of all that, lets say something bad does happen to you! If you get angry during or after the event, then you just got back the same NK that was just burnt. Depending on how angry you got you may have accrued even more NK then you burnt. See a common misunderstanding about karma is that people think that what happens to them is linked to what they did in this life time, this is not the case. If a negative event happens, it may be related to a past life.
One never know where their karma comes from, so lets say in a past life I yelled at someone and called them names,, hurt their feelings! Now i'm in this life and someone yells at me, and lets say that this is happening because I yelled at someone in a past life. Even though it does not work like that in reality, I am just using it as an example here. If I get yelled at, and make it positive somehow the NK is gone, if I get yelled at and then yell back and hurt someones feeling the NK is still there, and if I get yelled at and then punch the person I have now accrued even more negative karma!!!!!

Positive Karma

So do you see how that works? Karma is a very complicated process, that spans an infinite amount of time!
If a person has something good happen to them, again it may not be related to what they did in this life, depending on how they handle that good event they can either use it to develop more PK or use it to develop NK. An example, I win the lottery and with the money find a way to help beings. Actually just giving it away is not the best rout, by being involved with were the money goes and how it is used is the best plan. Just like to add if you do it to get PK out of it,,, Nope! You just negated the whole act! OK, I win that lottery, and when I get the money I get greedy or so protective of it that I push away friends and family,, I start to accrue all sorts of NK! Just because someone wins the lottery does not mean they need to give it all away, or even spend it to help people. If they just stay a good person, and don't hurt there friends and family that would be fine.


So in conclusion I would like to say, if you are compassionate and help others, good things may not happen for you but keep doing it cause you are then getting rid of negative karma! If you are hurting others, you may not get what is coming to you in this life, but you will eventually get smacked, so start doing good cause you don't need more negative karma! Thank you for reading this post and may you be well!

Sincerely : @Tiandao (Heavens Blade)


I know you will do well now that you are on the right path. I am very happy for you. Here's to your continued success and happiness which you truly deserve. :D ......Cabbagepatch

Thank you very much! I can feel this is the right path now as well.

Great post. Energy has to attain a state of equilibrium.....it may not happen in this carnation though...but find a state of equilibrium it will. And this applied to a soul matrix. The law of Cause and Effect is ever present. @waykiwayki

Absolutely! There is a balance, we just don't always see it! Thank you for the reply.

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