There's a definite smell hanging around our new VP and it ain't roses.
Kamala Harris is the first VP to have stated that she believed her President is a sexual predator. Oh really, Kamala?
Come with me now down the smelly memory lane that is Kamala Harris's political career. Ah! There's a stinker for you! A big Corps Flower called Jussie Smollett.
Jussie Smollett, you should recall, was a no-talent Hollywood actor close friends with Kamala Harris. Jussie attempted to fake a lynching attack on himself in Chicago by, he said, two Trump supporters in MAGA hats. Right on cue Kamala Harris led the entire mainstream media in a frenzy of support for poor Jussie. We were all Jussie, they screamed, unless we were Trump supporters who are, they screamed, lynching black people in the Red States. Kamala Harris's Federal Anti-Lynching Bill went through Congress like grass through a goose. Harris was on the way to national prominence!
Oh boy! Within hours the Chicago police had seen through Smollett's hoax. His two MAGA hat attackers turned out to be two black friends of his in the acting biz. And Jussie also had tried to fake an anthrax letter attack, which brought the FBI in on the case because that's a federal beef. Who honchoed the FBI response? That was Special Agent Greg Wing, Chief of the FBI Child Sex Trafficking Task Force. SA Wing held a press conference in which he declared that Chicago is "ground zero for the celebrity pimp" where a trafficked child sex slave can be ordered by cell phone and delivered like a pizza. SA Wing also said of these pimps, "I could name names. Some of these people are in touch with individuals in Hollywood."
Since Jussie's lawyer was Mark Geragos that reminded me of Geragos's law partner Jeff Kwatinetz. In 2017 Kwatinetz had been a high power Hollywood agent, former agent for Michael Jackson and current agent for Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. Bennington and Cornell were working on a documentary on child sex trafficking in Hollywood when each of them were found hanging from doorknobs in separate "suicides" months apart. Since Mark Garagos also became the lawyer for Clare Bronfman. I smelled another Hollywood connection. Clare pled guilty along with other managers of Keith Raniere's sex slavery cult NXIVM to torturing, enslaving, branding and trafficking women. One of her most prominent co-managers was Hollywood B-lister Alison Mack. And just by the way, Clare Bronfman is the brother of our Canadian Prime Minister's chief fund-raiser Stephen Bronfman.
That's not the end of the stinky trail of breadcrumbs because another partner of Mark Geragos was Michael Avenatti. Clare Bronfman fainted in court when she was forced to admit that Avenatti was part of her team. "Hey, Clare, baby. Plead guilty sweetie and close the case. You don't want to get put into Jeff Epstein's cell, honey," was that the message? She heard it loud and clear. Guess who actually did get put into Epstein's former cell. Michael Avenatti, that's right! (He got bailed out pretty quick)