Who is Adam Kadmon?
ADAM KADMON (Primordial Man)
"The Kabbalistic lore concerning Adam Kadmon, the Primordial Adam, derives from the most ancient strata of Jewish mysticism."
"Kabbalists teach that God is masculine and feminine, and that when speaking of 'man' they are always referring to two faces. Adam Kadmon is androgynous, according to the Kabbalah interpretation of verses in Genesis -- "male and female created he them" -- as cited in Blavatsky's Theosophical Glossary and in The Secret Doctrine:"
"In the Jewish Cabala, this strange creation of the feminine and masculine principle is known as "Adam Kadmon," both Adam and Eve"
"This androgynous First Adam, or Adam-Kadmon, was like the angels - eternal - until s/he separated from the divine, spiritual realm and became imprisoned in the material 3-dimensional world. As a result, Adam-Kadmon became differentiated into two sexes, the Second Adam and Eve."
"Adam Kadmon in the KABBALAH is the celestial androgyne prior to the human Adam and Eve"
"Adam Kadmon is the original man in the teachings of Kabbalah, untainted by earthly matter. He stands in contrast to the Adam of Eden, who was made from earthly clay. He was the perfect prototype man made by God, with the Kabbalists taking this concept to describe the divine symbolism of the human body"
"Adam Kadmon (אָדָם קַדְמוֹן, "Primordial Man"; also called Adam Elyon אָדָם עֶלִיוֹן or Adam Ila'ah אָדָם עִילָּאָה, "Supreme Man"; abbreviated as א"ק, A"K), in Kabbalah, is the first spiritual World that came into being after the contraction of God's infinite light. Adam Kadmon is not the same as the physical Adam Ha-Rishon."
"It all goes back to the Jewish occult concept of the First Human. This first human was called Adam Kadmon.
Before God split Adam Kadmon and created the first Man and Woman, Adam Kadmon was transgender.
Transgender Adam Kadmon is known as the Divine Androgyne."
"In the esoteric tradition of Christianity, many versions of the Androgyne image fill Alchemical books and manuscripts of the Renaissance. There are more Androgyne images to be found in those books than anywhere else in the Western art of the modern era"
"This Messiah is symbolized by Adam Kadmon, the "mystic body" of the Kabbalistic system."