10 steps To Gaining JV partners
10 steps To Gaining JV partners
1) Create a new folder on your computer, and title it "JV Partners".
2) Visit websites which are related to you chosen niche.
3) Create a text document in the "JV partners" folder, and write down 7 – 8
websites which you think about promoting (look at things like: good sales page,
good gravity – if we are selling Clickbank products, good content etc…).
4) Contact the 7 to 8 owners, on your list, by clicking on the "Contact Us" link (may be written differently) at the bottom of their websites.
5) Radiate genuine enthusiasm – tell the owners how much you are excited
about their products, and that you will be more than happy to promote their
product to your list, and also on your blog. In the end of your email ask for a
review copy of their product.
Here is a template you can use (feel free to use the templates I give):
SUBJECT: Hi website's owner first name it's your first name (make your subject line PERSONAL like I did here)
My name is {your name}, and I am currently selling a very innovative {your niche} eBook right here on ClickBank.com. I am extremely proud of what I have accomplished with my eBook, and I am sure that it will help a great deal of people. I have a {your niche} blog, and I have written articles on the subject of {your niche} which are posted on thousands of quality websites all over the internet (if it's true).
I am very exhilarated by the idea of your website , and I want to write a review about it, and post it on my blog.
I will also promote your product to my subscribers list. I want to ask if you can provide me with a review copy of one or more of your products.
(Your Name)
6) Send this letter to your list of 7-8 websites, and continue with your regular routine (writing articles, posting to blogs and forums..etc).
7) Wait for the JV partners reply:
After a while you will realize the following:
- A lot of web owners will ignore you completely.
- Some web owners will respond by asking you for some proof that you are really what you claim to be (have a blog, a website, and an eBook) before sending you their product - give them what they ask for.
- Some web owners will just send you their product (through a download page, or attached to the email) for free (may ask you to keep it for personal use only).
NOTE 1 -- Think of how much money you could have saved by just creating a simple website, blog, and eBook. My email box is just flooded with products by top authors wanting me to promote their best products, I once paid hundreds of dollars for these products (they usually don't have a review copy of their prodcuts, so they just send you the complete product).
NOTE 2 - Really read what you are getting because it will make you a better expert in your chosen niche.
Your focus should not be on the result (if someone sends you a review a copy
or not) the important thing is to focus on creating correspondence between you
and people in your niche.
8) Create a "products" folder inside the "JV partners" folder, and put the
products you get inside this folder (you can also create subfolders, with names
of each owner, to make things more organize).
9) Read / listen to the products you get, and choose the products which you really believe in.
10) Contact the selected JV partners, and tell them how much you enjoyed their product, and how exactly you are going to promote it.
HINT: don't ask them to return a favor yet. Only ask them towrite you a quick email to let you know that they got youremail.
The reason for this is that you will find that many times theywill contact you first by thanking you, and second by asking you if you can send them a review copy of your eBook (if they don't, you can always send another email asking themto return a favor – it is always better if it comes from them,and not from you asking for it).
Here is a template you can also use:
Hi owner's name,
I have read your eBook, and what can I say.
I am out of words.
I have been exposed to many ebooks, guides, seminars, audios..etc. But, never have I seen such excellence in content. It's funny how you can tell when someone knows his craft. I am going to write an excellent review on my blog, and promote your eBook like hell to my list.
Your eBook is second to none.
Thanks for sharing your l experience with me.
It really is an honor.
(your name)
That's it!
Is it hard?
Only if you think about it, but if you act on this information it is a stroll in the park.
Keep all the emails you get and send to the website owners (you don't know when you need them).
Before I end this post, I just want to share with you 10% of the results I got after implementing the 10 steps to the first website I have ever created for myself:
It was......for a dating ebook!
1) The first JV partner (grav on clickbank: 27.00):
Hi Amir,
Thanks for your kind words! I really appreciate your enthusiasm and appreciate that you'll be promoting it.
I'm enjoying your book as well. I always think it's better when someone has come from a background of zero success with women and overcame it.
(That was my background too.)
I'm only on page 15 but this is very profound stuff so far. I like the analogy of the tyrant and the importance of doubt to overcome negative thoughts.
So... I'll be happy to promote your product too. My plan will be to finish reading the book, write a review, and send out a broadcast email to my list in the next few weeks.
The second JV partner: (grav on clickbank: 47.81) Hi Amir,
We got your mail.
We will send you a review copy soon.
By the way, send us a review copy for your program so I can take a look myself and decide to which groups of my readers it will interest most.
A couples of questions:
- a) Is your book for guys or for women?
- b) Can you set us up with a special discount link for your program, such as a $10 off your usual price? This is because I believe I can sell more of your program if there is an offer for my readers.
- c) The normal cost for our program is US$47 and we want to give your lists of customers a special offer at US$37, and of course, we do not want the public to have access to this discount link.
So, let us know if you can insert your special affiliate link into your thank-you page, or into your autoresponder so we can offer your customers a $10 discount off our program. You will still be able to get 70% for every sale you make, and we will give you a link to do the tracking too.
- d) what is your clickbank ID?
May the light be with you!
3) The third JV partner grav: (grav on Clickbank: 14.41)
Hey Amir!
Thanks a lot! I put too much work into that thing. The thing is, I’m still not completely finished the project – I still have a ways to go updating it I think. I’m always on the lookout to upgrade my program wherever possible.
Do you have a review copy of your program? I am setting up an autoresponder course for my customers. After 60 days, I start promoting good products. Let me know, Amir...and thanks!
As I see it:
99% of success is just taking action!
Hope you enjoyed!