Stop That Judgemental Attitude!
An event occurred today that made me to reflect on the Bible book of John 8:1-11. In this Bible passage, a woman was caught in the act of adultery and she was taken to Jesus by the self righteous Pharisees to know what his recommended punishment for her would be, since the law of Moses already stipulated that such act demands death by stoning.
But they were all left dumbfounded when Jesus's only response to them was "he that is without sin, let him cast a stone at her". I know some of them would be like.... "What!" "Really!" "How could he say that?....." "Men, tell me that he didn't just accuse us of .....!" Etc.
They never saw such response coming. They taught that christ was just going to jump into conclusion that "since that is what Moses's law stipulated, do it unto her!" But that wasn't the case. Christ's never supported the woman's act or justified it. He just wanted the people to know that passing judgement is not part of their job description. I believe that the moment jesus released that statement, their minds started pricking them one after the other of a wrong that each one of them had done somewhere that promted everyone of them to start taking their leave without daring to cast a stone.
The question i want to ask here is " how come among the self righteous pharisees, not even one of them considered himself righteous enough to cast a stone at her? The truth is that, righteousness can never be attained by works". That was why not even one of them could cast a stone at her. Jesus being God knew that every man still in the flesh is prone to make mistakes. That was why he was trying to remind everyone there waiting to cast a stone at her that, they were as guilty in other aspects of their lives as the person that they are condemning.
Was jesus supporting the woman or her actions? No. He was just giving the woman a chance to correct her wrongs and let the people already condemning her know that it is not in their power to do such. The fact that you're not the one caught in the act doesn't make you righteous and gives you the power to condemn anyone. It's not your job to be the judge. Leave judgement for God. Your work is to help the fallen man see his/her wrong doing and try to correct such wrong doing. Don't forget that everyone still in the flesh is prone to making mistakes and can repent from such mistake if they are corrected in love.
Many Christian hardly give a fallen Christian a second chance. You hear them use lines such as, "i despise fake Christian like you". "You are a disgrace to the Christian faith". People like you are the reason why most sinners don't get saved", "why don't you just die and go to hell?". And most times, i do wonder if such statements are stemming from a heart of love and intended for correction, or from a heart of hatred.
It's not wrong to condemn a wrong act but don't ever condemn the person behind such act. Only God has the sole power to judge each and everyone of us because he is the only one that is perfect. "There is none that is righteous, no not one". Stop condemning other Christians that had fallen with your over holy attitude. Give everyone a chance to pick themselves back up. Whether the fallen Christian admit his wrong or not, show him/her the right path by correcting in love. passing judgement is not part of your job description. Beside, nobody holy pass!
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