Free Monika NOW!

in #justice7 years ago

I think people are generally cowards. They become emboldened when in groups, but, in general, they are cowards when alone. The bully on the block can only be a bully so long as he has his group of loyal followers behind him, people he can count on to protect him if someone actually develops the cojones to stand up against him and the ten other guys he is hiding behind.

Bullies need to arm themselves with reinforced battle-tanks so that they can face down the wimp with the flyswatter.

How fucking pathetic!

In case anyone is wondering (which I sincerely doubt), I've been off of Steemit lately because of the bullshit. A couple more accounts that I follow have closed up shop because some asshole who purchased a lot of steempower down-voted them into oblivion. These accounts were followed by hundreds of people, but one user alone managed to end it for everyone. That makes me absolutely sick, and very, very angry.

But... this is just a reflection of what the world has become of late: a tyranny of the minority. One person, or one small group, believes they have the god-given right to silence anyone,and everyone, they disagree with.

That brings me to today's topic: the recent imprisonment of Monika Schaeffer by German authorities.

The only crime Monika has ever committed was making a video in which she apologized to her German-born mother for accusing her of not doing anything to prevent 'the holocaust'. As if her mother, or any other average German, could have done anything to stop it! That, of course, incensed Jewish advocacy groups, because, according to them, every German who ever lived, now or then, must bow and scrape and apologize for the events of World War II. What really pissed them off though, was the fact that Monika ended her video with a statement to the effect that she now knows that her mother could not have done anythings because 'the holocaust' never happened.

Oh boy! Monika was ostracized in her own community and branded a 'holocaust denier'. Other people who have been branded that way have been hounded out of their jobs, been physically threatened, and in the case of Ernst Zundle, had their homes fire-bombed. David Cole even had a hit put on him by the JDL.

To me, that is utter fucking bullshit. If a person wants to believe something, it is their right to do so; and if a person does not want to believe something, it is also their right to do so. It should be noted, however, that the very same people who scream and tear their clothes over someone saying only 5,999,999 people died in 'the holocaust' and not a full 6,000,000 - these very same people go berserk over a proposed government motion condemning 'Islamophobia' while going out of their way to ramp up as much Islamophobia as possible. Again, utter bullshit! One law for them, and none for others.

Back to Monika. Monika was in Germany, visiting her brother, when she decided to sit in on Silvia Stolz's current trial. Silvia is the lawyer who represented Ernst Zundel after his kidnapping and deportation to Germany. She became famous for vigorously continuing her client's defense, even as she was being dragged out of the courtroom after being held in contempt for... defending her client, believe it or not. You see, in Germany it is illegal to present an actual defense of someone accused of 'holocaust denial'. Well, Sylvia went to jail for what she did, and when she got out, she spoke at a conference on freedom of speech, for which she was re-arrested and put on trial again.

Sounds like a freaking farce? An even bigger farce is the fact that someone at the latest trial recognized Monika and alerted the court authorities, who promptly recessed the proceedings so that they could arrest Monika.

And so, a second kidnapping has occurred. Monika, a Canadian citizen, is currently being held in a maximum security facility in Germany, and the Canadian government remains silent.

This, to me, is a massive crime. I do not know if Monika holds dual citizenship, but if she was traveling on a Canadian passport, the government of Canada is obliged to intervene. Canada should not allow its citizens to be kidnapped by foreign governments, nor should it collude with foreign governments to do so. Monika hurt no one; she only voiced an opinion (and anyone who says that denying 'the holocaust' is killing those 6,000,000 all over again can kiss my hemorrhoid-ridden ass!).

I am seriously and mightily pissed off at my government's failure to intercede in this matter! Doubly so, because I strongly suspect that Monika was nabbed in order to intimidate her brother Alfred, who is very vocal about his opinions on everything from 'the holocaust' to 9/11. Only cowards go after the families of the people they are targeting.

Enough is enough. What has happened to free speech, freedom of association, freedom of thought? Because one group finds something offensive, people are being kidnapped and throw in prison! Well, I find teaching kids about anal sex in elementary school offensive, even disgusting, but I don't demand people be thrown in prison over it! I should, but I don't.

Freedom of thought is a basic human right. The freedom to express a thought, no matter what you think of that thought, is the cornerstone of a civilized society. My parents grew up in National Socialist Germany, where the freedom to voice an opinion contrary to that of the government was not permitted. Some weasel would be very quick to rat you out if you dared to do so (as my grandfather and great-grandfather learned time and again). Therefore, I find what has happened to Monika (and to Sylvia, and to Ernst) utterly repugnant.

Germany, of all the countries in the world, should know better than to persecute people for thought crimes.

Canada shouldn't allow its citizens to be kidnapped while travelling abroad.

“Intelligence is dangerous. Intelligence means you will start thinking on your own; you will start looking around on your own. You will not believe in the scriptures; you will believe only in your own experience.”

Image: Pixabay

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