Plateful of Mediterranean Inspired Yumminess

in #justbecause6 years ago (edited)

Hey my dear friends!

This ::Just Because:: post was supposed to be published already a week ago, but we all know what happened last week. However, now the HF20 chaos is starting to be behind us, and we can post normally. No more withdrawal symptoms for not being able to interact on Steemit!

To the subject, something everyone studying nutrition have in common is a good relationship with yummy food. A while back we gathered together and prepared something delicious! I have to admit, I usually don't eat this fancy, but this time we wanted to prepare something a little extra. So, this dinner we made together required a lot of time and effort (which really isn't my thing when it comes to cooking, just look at my recipes...), but the final product was totally worth it! There were a lot of elements in this dish, plenty of different textures and tastes, I was quite surprised how well all the components worked together!


On my plate:

• falafels
• tabbouleh
• hummus
• baba ganoush (with pomegranate seeds)
• tzatziki
• pita bread
• iceberg salad
• cherry tomatoes
• carrot strips

Everything vegan and homemade, from the scratch!

Usually I like to post on Mondays (there's no Monday without #fruitsandveggiesmonday) and on Fridays (I'm so set in my ways...), but @puravidaville encoureged me to take part in ::Just Because:: Wednesday, and I feel this is a perfect plate to share with you. If I hadn't made this post, this photo of a plateful of deliciousness could've been found only on my phone and on my instagram feed, but all of you guys aren't there to share the food love with me. Sharing everything delicious with my favorite foodies here on Steemit is essential!

Here are the recipes we used to prepare everything. Or actually, we modified the recipes quite a bit, but I still wanted to include them to this post so that you can easily find good recipes. Hummus we made without a recipe and the recipes for tabbouleh and baba ganoush are in Finnish, but everything else is in English:
Pita bread
Baba Ganoush

If you decide to prepare something similar, you won't regret it! Enjoy! 😋


Are you already familiar with everything on my plate? Have you ever made falafel yourself? I know they require a lot of time and effort, but believe me, you want to try them!

Have a delicious rest of the week!

-Jasmin ❤


Oh man! We have a joint that isn’t too far from us called Hippea, I wrote an article about them recently. The best, repeat: best falafel I’ve had.

iheartfalafel <— guilty!

Great post @jasmink.

Who doesn't love tasty falafel? Perfect crispy falafels with some pita bread and hummus, that's all you need, right? I'd love to taste the best falafel from Hippea, but it's a bit far a way from here, so I'll have to settle with second best falafel in the world, those made by me, haha!
Thanks @dandays!

I’m willing to put Hippea at second place, right behind you, and I didn’t even taste yours yet! Too bad I can’t just say, “we’re gonna stop by tomorrow for lunch, does that give you enough time to whip up a couple dozen falafels?” 😉

That's so nice of you to say! If I lived close to you, I'd definitely make you some falafels! Especially if I was invited to your dinner table every now and then, haha!

We have had basically that plate a couple of times recently! Once at a farmers market and once at a local restaurant called Yalla. Falafel and hummus are wonderful but I can't get enough tabboulah. I love it :) I have never attempted at home but I'm sure its even better from your own kitchen.

I also love tabbouleh, it's so simple, yet, really tasty! Wait what, you can get plates like this from farmers market? That's new for me, I want to visit that kind of farmers market as well! Usually falafel from restaurants are really delicious, but you'll appreciate the delicious food even more when you've put a lot of time and effort into it. :)

Looks amazingly Delicious :)

Thank you @geneeverett! Also thanks for the resteem, that's so kind of you, I really appreciate it! :)

Oh my goodness, absolutely love this.............definitely my kind of food 🌸💖🌸

I think this is the kind of food everyone enjoys, or at least should enjoy! It was a lovely meal and a lovely comment from you, thanks Lena! 😊

I totally agree.....always a pleasure Jasmin 😊

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! This plate of Mediterranean bliss is perfection. @jasmink comes out of the gate swinging, ladies and gentleman… with a #justbecause falafel extravaganza :)

Seriously though, I know this plate took hours of preparation. Even when I make falafel from a box it takes some prep time… I’ve never tried from scratch…🤔… uh oh… I’m getting ideas now… and I’ve totally wanted to make tzanziki but wasn’t sure how to go about it- this is truly brilliant !

The colors on this plate are just fantastic too! Now if I can only find a gluten free version of pita bread- I’d be in heaven. You killed it again @jasmink 👏👏👏! Great job my friend. It’s so good to have you on a Wednesday too. I’m very impressed 😋

Thank you so much @puravidaville, you just made my day! 😊 This was something I would've never prepared by myself, as you mentioned, it's a plate which took hours of preparation. Luckily my friends are great in the kitchen so we had no trouble making everything!

You go search for the gluten free pita bread, in my opinion you can't have a complete falafel meal without some pita bread!
Thanks again, your comment was so lovely to read! 💙

You can see the hard work in that beautiful plate. I hope you guys had plenty on left overs 😋. Dont you worry, I am on the hunt. Pita bread is it’s own kind of wonderful so I will either find it or I’ll have to make it, but rest assured I’m on it. Haha

I'm glad we made enough food to have leftovers! I was afraid that the falafels would be all mushy the next day, but they were actually pretty nice! 😋 Good luck with the pitas!

Oh good! I never liked my falafels the next day, I also never liked them baked 🤷🏼‍♀️ Of course the hummus and babaganoush are great any day :) Thanks for the luck, I’m gonna need it.

I would totally grab a plate (or two) of all of that! I love falafel, though I haven't actually had any in quite a while. For some reason I'm always a little intimidated to make it. I think I need to change that! Definitely a feast worth sharing!

Falafel can be a little tricky to make, no one wants to end up with mushy and soft falafel, they must be perfectly crispy! That recipe I linked is a really nice one, you can't go wrong if you follow it! Always is a great time for falafel, I hope you'll enjoy yours as soon as possible!
Thanks for the compliments @plantstoplanks! :)

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