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RE: IFC - S1 : R30 Most Important Issue? - - - "People Complaining"
Firstly, I get where you are coming from with the npc player and his repetitive question.
Definitely an annoyance.
I would love to see every American out voting, to see a 3rd party get elected could change the United States as we know it, but I also feel that either way no matter who it"voted" in there is still a hidden agenda in government and no matter how hard that 3rd party would try to change things, the true agenda will still be pushed whether or not said 3rd party wanted things to change. I respect your thoughts on it all but still believe the votes don't matter when it comes to that hidden agenda...jmo.
There seems to be a lot of people that still believe a vote is meaningless, the more people believe that the fewer voters there are, the fewer choices people have. There is no 3rd party candidates that are viable, so our mainstream media keep telling us.
People keep talking about the deep government state, the old NWO group, the Illuminati, the freemasons. No one knows who they are. Who runs the hidden agenda? If people in the next batch of elections voted for the person on the ballot they have never heard of, instead of one or the other "evil" candidates, things might change.
Until people decide to ignore the two party state, and elect people instead of politicians, we will never know if we can retake control of our country. The media gives all kinds of excuses for not supporting people, they have no experience, they are not educated enough, they have never managed a group of people. On the other hand they push people who have filed for bankruptcy, been convicted of crimes, tell the story based on who the audience is, support the people with little or no moral fiber. People need to support People, let the media support the politicians.
A little over 200 years ago, we the People, decided we did not need to be ruled from afar, and a revolution was started by 2% of the population, freedom was gained, or was it? A lot of people died, a lot of people still die in war. Do we want a violent revolution or a quiet peaceful voter revolution.
Once again, no real answers, all I can say is I prefer the try the change from inside.