IFC S1 R30 - - Tie Breaker - - Flexibility
Round 30 - - "most important issue" round. - - - Was a multi way tie, a five way tie, every judge liked something from five different people. We have had ties before in IFC, but I think this is a first. So Now for the tie breaker round.
Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram
@mr-bike, @plushzilla, @artgirl, @jbreheny, and myself @bashadow, have all been tasked to "create a blog post and tell us what you think the most important quality in a person is." We can only pick One quality. I find myself in some very very good company.
The wikipedia results of "human quality of Flexibility" google search.
Flexibility is a personality trait that describes the extent to which a person can cope with changes in circumstances and think about problems and tasks in novel, creative ways. This trait is used when stressors or unexpected events occur, requiring a person to change their stance, outlook, or commitment. Flexible personality should not be confused with cognitive flexibility, which is the ability to switch between two concepts, as well as simultaneously think about multiple concepts. Researchers of cognitive flexibility describe it as the ability to switch one's thinking and attention between tasks. Flexibility, or psychological flexibility, as it is sometimes referred to, is the ability to adapt to situational demands, balance life demands, and commit to behaviors. source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexibility_(personality)
Flexibility Coping
Flexibility is a personality trait that describes the extent to which a person can cope with changes in circumstances and think about problems and tasks in novel, creative ways.Change is an ever present fact of life, when we become unable to flow with or to accept change then we become less than what we could be as a human being. We become despondent, angry, or morose over our inability to deal with change. We use our flexibility to cope with change, we look for, if needed, new and novel and/or creative ways to help ourselves overcome and cope with the changes in our life.
Flexibility Unexpected Events
This trait is used when stressors or unexpected events occur, requiring a person to change their stance, outlook, or commitment.We all run into the unexpected events of life. Late for that important meeting, unexpected hospitalization, conflicting commitments, if we are not flexible enough toward ourselves we just tear ourselves up with self loathing at our inability to meet all the demands we have placed on ourselves. It is our flexibility that allows us to accept the unexpected event, find a workaround and move on with our lives. Through our flexibility we not only remove the burden from ourselves but from friends, family, and co-workers.
Flexibility White Coat Concepts
Flexible personality should not be confused with cognitive flexibility, which is the ability to switch between two concepts, as well as simultaneously think about multiple concepts. Researchers of cognitive flexibility describe it as the ability to switch one's thinking and attention between tasks.Here the wiki-person tries to separate flexibility into a few different things, but it is all still a part of who we are whether it is personality, cognitive or psychological. Flexibility is still a "quality in a person". White coats and their language what can I say. In life when you are talking to someone, working at your computer, playing a game, watching TV, or reading a book, if you hear something that you were not expecting you are going to react. You just switched to a different concept, now you need to know what it was, you start multitasking and trying to discern what caused your interruption, you switched task, from relaxed mode to try and figure out if you need to go into fight or flight mode.
Flexibility Hope
Flexibility, or psychological flexibility, as it is sometimes referred to, is the ability to adapt to situational demands, balance life demands, and commit to behaviors.We adapt, and react to the changes around us and in our lives. If we fail to adapt to the situation, or the demands of a balanced life, or are unable to commit to owning of our behaviours, then we have lacked the flexibility to lead a happy and worthwhile life and are a burden not unto society but unto ourselves. There is hope however, Flexibility can help, can put you on the road to that happy life, life is not all about champagne and caviar, it is also about guns and roses, about what's to eat, or what should I eat, or where should I go, or what should I do. We can all call upon our flexibility, it is sometimes as simple as looking at something then finding some of the choices, you don't need to find all the choices, just one that will work for you.
My Conclusion
I see flexibility as one of the most important traits we have, it tempers all the other traits. Flexibility allows us to answer those hard questions, to re-exam the evidence, to alter our thinking when presented with new information. Most important about flexibility is it allows us to be able to deal with changes in our life. And our lives have changed will change and will continue to change until the day we die. We are not the newborn, we are not the teenager, (okay some of you may be), we move from various stages of life throughout our life. It is our flexibility that allows us to accept and live with all those changes.Links
Here are the links to Round 30 and the results:
IFC S1 - R30 : Most Important Issue?
IFC S1 - R30 Results

Reminder the Flyer will be issued hopefully on Thursday. If you would like to place a want-ad, just message me in the chat room, or leave a not in the Weekly-Flyer room.
I apologize for the delay ! Take care !
That was amazing, I absolutely love it. So wonderful. The delay, was absolutely worth it.
I can touch my toes without bending my knees, does that count?
I agree that flexibility/adaptability is a marvelous trait for anyone to have. Great post @bashadow.
And now, we must compete.
May the odds be ever in your favor!
First time around was tough, this time is also tough, I would not be surprised in the least to see another tie at all. I have never in my entire life been able to touch my toes without bending my knees.
Thank you @bashadow! Great quality to have! Adaptability!!!
It really was hard to pick a trait, the first part was tough, this tie breaker is also tough. But we will adapt or die as the saying goes.
That's definitely an important trait to have!! Some are born with it others not so much. Goes back to change is inevitable and we just need to learn to be flexible! love it
Flexibility.. That's an important characteristic! It could even mean the difference between life and death in some cases.. If the trees and plants didn't flex and bend with the wind, they'd break over. Eventually many of them do.. But.. That quality is extremely important. However.. Sometimes I feel like certain areas I'm not flexible on and that's a good thing. In regards to moral issues, like.. War is bad, rape is bad, racism is bad, and things like that.
I have tried to be open minded and question these deeply held beliefs of mine, but every time I do.. I get the same answers.. That it's wrong to harm others unjustly. So.. Flexibility can be super important and critical at times! Though in other cases I think being more rigid can have it's place as well. Especially when it comes to standing strong in regards to moral and ethical issues.
Anyways.. I don't wanna ramble on too long. Thanks for the thought provoking and interesting entry! :)