Judge Roy Moore's Accuser's is a Crisis Actor being Robocall paid between $5-7,000 by the Washington Post to make damaging remarks against Judge Moore, Whose Yearbook Autograph was Forged, Accuser's Son speaks out stating his Mother's accusations are lies

in #judgeroymoore7 years ago (edited)

Please watch these videos by The Still Report, Bombard's Body Language, and OAN, and article by Brietbart and Red State Watcher, and share.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

Was Judge Moore’s Accuser's Yearbook Autograph Forged? 1888

Moore was Assistant D.A. at time of Forgery is on is blue ink. His writing is different on that ink. Real writing in black ink.
The 7's and R's are different in blue ink.
Old Hickory Restaurant opened in 2001.
"God Bless that young man, the accuser's son for speaking out against evil."

Plus the Robocalls by a reporter from the Washington Post named "Bernie Bernstein", asking for women between the ages of 54-57 for rewards of $5,000-$7,000 to make damaging remarks against Judge Roy Moore.
Jeff Bezos who owns Washington Compost, agent of the Deep State really pulling all the stops since he has tons of wealth and power. If it were someone like Bill Clinton, a Democrat who committed, rape, pedophilia, etc. not to mention all of the spiritual cooking dinners too, no problem, everything gets swept under the rug.

Where's the proof of what Judge Roy Moore did to these women?
They are attacking him because he's a Republican, in reality both political of the same coin. Plus, he's a Christian is what the powers that shouldn't be are attacking him on. A Person with Moral values and Christian values, unlike those running the governments then and now.

These women who take the bait being paid to speak against Judge Moore are sinners and morons too. They end ruining their lives and souls in the process, there's no excuse on that. We have to be vigilant and cautious when you have stories such as these, just like all of the False Flag events meant to push for Gun Grab and further control of society itself.

Roy Moore: "They’ve spent over 30 million dollars trying to take me out."
"Darrel Nelson, the stepson of Judge Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson says he doesn't believe his mother: “To my stepmother, whatever reason you did this, I have a few questions on this. Why did you wait so long if this did happen? You said you were a teenager when it happened, but here it is now, how many years later? And all of a sudden you’re going to bring it up when we voted him into the House and you trying to get him [taken] out? I’m not going to have.”"

Report: Robocall Claiming to Be Washington Post Reporter Seeks ‘Damaging’ Information on Roy Moore

Comment from Viewers:
"This is so hilarious. A fake reporter with a Jewish name and a bad NY accent is enough to fool BB readers. I love how they add the part saying they won't actually investigate the claims, just write a report about it, as if a reporter who actually does that would say so in a robo call. The only thing that surprised me is that it took BB this long to publish a story as if it was real and leaving out the response of the Post disclaiming it.
If you believe this is true, you should do the world a favor and stop breathing, or at the very least don't breed."

"This isn't about women or victims of abuse, this is simply a political smear intended to prevent RoyMoore from being elected US Senator from Alabama, and apparently the people of Alabama see it for what it is, and still support Moore.

No where in any of the media hype about these kinds of allegations is ANY follow- up about the victims and what if anything can be done for them. Worse, the media lumps any gender based conduct in the same pile, be it a lewd comment, a hand in the wrong place or a glance that lasts too long, right up there with rape, assault, domestic violence and Abuse of a Vulnerable Adult, as though there is no substantive difference between a salacious comment and brutal rape or years of domestic violence.

As a country we see this issue only as a platform for some political advantage, a way to strike out at a political enemy.

As a fact, we are doing absolutely nothing at all to protect the rights of the victims of abuse, which includes emotional, financial and physical abuse. As a country the most ewe offer is a TRO and a "run and hide" shelter. Both are pathetic.

Instead of focusing on the rights of victims, we focus on the titilating salacious aspects of the narrative, and then throw mud, while the victims are completely ignored."

Body Language: Roy Moore's Accuser

Great job here. Another paid accuser. Too many Crisis Actors.

Alabama Woman Claims Reporter Offered Her $1000s to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual abuse

Comment from a Viewer: "They are so desperate to get the Senate back, they'll even bribe and lie.
Democrats are not known for bribery and slander are they?"

Mark Levin: ‘I’m Calling on Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to Resign’
"Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin called on House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to resign over allegations made by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) earlier in the day.
Speier had claimed two members of Congress had engaged in sexual harassment and remain members of the body.
Levin said since these alleged incidents occurred on Ryan and McConnell’s watch, they should be held to account and resign."

Moore Accuser Removes Anti Moore, Anti Trump FB Rants, 1889

Comment from Viewers: "Nelson's stepson was on One America News network saying she is lying about all of it."
"My sister and bro in law live in Alabama, and I asked her tonight about what talk she's heard around town about the Moore situation. She said she hasn't talked to one person who is buying the allegations against Moore, and she doesn't know anybody who has changed their minds about voting for Moore."

Judge Moore’s Letter to Sean Hannity, 1890

Moore is innocent.
Biden, Franken & Menendez, etc. are Rapists, PedoSatanists SCUM

"Synopsis:As the recent accusations against Judge Roy Moore begin to fall apart, Moore published an open letter to Fox show host Sean Hannity late yesterday.
Although I did not see this letter until today, it comports with the tone of my report of last night, #1889 as far as we cannot allow voters to be driven by a carefully-constructed media attack of totally false allegations based on flimsy – and in this case, bogus – here-say evidence to disqualify a political candidate a few weeks before an election.
This coordinated media attack, specifically designed to create a lynch-mob mentality, was tried – in spades – on candidate Trump – and it eventually failed miserably – though it took days to weeks to run its course.
In the case of Judge Moore there is no credible evidence backing any of the allegations – only one obviously-forged document and a growing number of recanted and non-trustworthy allegations amidst evidence of bribery for which criminal prosecutions may yet result.
Moore’s letter to Hannity is crisp and to the point. I cannot understand why Hannity did not read his letter in full on his show last night.
“Dear Sean:
I am suffering the same treatment other Republicans have had to endure.
A month prior to the general election for U.S. Senate in Alabama, I have been attacked by the Washington Post and other liberal media in a desperate attempt to smear my character and defeat my campaign.
Over the last 40 years I have held several public offices, including deputy district attorney, circuit judge, and chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. In addition to running five state wide and three County campaigns for public office, I have been involved in major controversies that attracted national attention, one about the 10 Commandments and the other the sanctity of marriage. The Alabama judicial inquiry commission, cou rts of the Judiciary, and Atty. Gen. have investigated, scrutinized, examined, and vetted me, not to mention every opposing candidate against whom I have run. I’ve been married for almost 33 years to my wife Kayla. We have four children and five granddaughters. "

EXCLUSIVE – Roy Moore’s Former Longtime Secretary: ‘I Don’t Believe Any of This’
Some quotes from the article, the rest you can read for yourself.
"Birmingham, ALABAMA — Delbra Adams, Roy Moore’s former longtime secretary and judicial assistant, says that in 13 years of working for the senatorial candidate she never saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct toward women.
Adams was working in Moore’s law office during the period that a new accuser claims that he groped her in the same office in 1991 after a meeting. Her desk was right outside his office door at the time.

“I think he is a good man,” Adams told Breitbart News in an interview. “I don’t believe any of this. I don’t believe it until somebody actually proves it to me. But I never saw anything like that out of him.”

Asked whether she saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct on the part of Moore at any time, Adams replied, “No. None.”

She further stated that she is surprised by the allegations against her former boss."

Comments from Viewers: "Delbra Adams is a strong character witness for Judge Moore ..."
"Judge Moore's longtime secretary believes him.
That's Great!

However, that has no bearing on this matter whatsoever.

The bottom line, there is NOT a Shred of Evidence to support Anything Anyone of these women have claimed.

To the contrary. The alleged 14 year old (Now 52) is a leftist activist who's own Mother has contradicted her.

Additionally, the girl who claimed Moore signed her yearbook is being exposed as a fraud because she said she hadn't seen him since 1977 when in actuality he handled her 1999 divorce. AND the Alleged yearbook signature and comment is CLEARLY a fraud which they will not release for review.

Despite the allegations, Judge Roy Moore Appears to be as innocent as a new born baby!

That's what matters right now!"

Alabama Governor: No Change of Election Date

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey plans to vote for Roy Moore next month amid calls to delay the elections.
"Thursday, Gov. Kay Ivey (R-AL) told CNN at the Republican Governors Association meeting being held in Austin, TX the special election for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions would go as scheduled on December 12."

Opposition to Judge Moore Crumbles, 1891b

"Synopsis: White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders yesterday announced that President Trump will not ask Judge Roy Moore to withdraw from the Dec. 12th special election to replace Jeff Sessions as one of Alabama’s two Senators.
“That is a decision the people of Alabama need to make, not the president.”
President Trump endorsed Moore after Moore trounced State Senator Luther Strange in the GOP primary.
As the credibility of the stories of the accusers of Judge Moore one-by-one dissolve away like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz, the Alabama Republican party’s executive committee met yesterday to discuss what their position would be going forward.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had pressured the state party to do something to drive Moore from the race. This morning’s “The Hill” reported that an unnamed source close to McConnell painted a picture of gloom and doom if Moore is allowed to remain.
“The Alabama Republican Party has to come to grips with the fact that they’re going to lose that seat.”
Why? A new poll commissioned by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) was taken on Sunday – a day before support for Moore’s accusers began to crumble. It claims Moore is trailing the far-left Democrat candidate by 12 points.
Nevermind that the sample size of the NRSC poll may have been restricted to Democrats and blood relatives of Mitch McConnell and John McCain.
No, fake polls have not gone away and they are still daily reported as fact by every single unit of the mainstream media.
We have done many reports on fake polls and how they are done. Please see reports #986, 1096, 1197, 1304, but especially my last report before the 2016 election, #1314.
So does anyone with a lick of common sense actually believe that a far leftist sacrifice candidate will take out the most popular judge in Alabama history? No way. The Alabama Republican party in essence told Senator McConnell and the rest of the Washington swamp-dwelling RINO herd to forget it.
They decided to do nothing. The election will go on as scheduled. Their decision left Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell with no way to disqualify Moore from the race."

Comments from Viewers: "McConnell IS A RINO DEMOCRAT"
"Moore is NOT stepping down. His wife did a press conference earlier."
"Dear Lord Jesus, may the liars and fakes keep crumbling we pray! . God bless Moore! Amen!"

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Boyfriend of Roy Moore Accuser: I Don’t Believe Her

Quotes from the beginning of the article, the rest you can read for yourself.
"Birmingham, ALABAMA — A minister who says that he dated Beverly Young Nelson at around the same time that Young claims to have been assaulted by senatorial candidate Roy Moore says that he does not believe his ex-girlfriend about the allegations.

The former boyfriend, Jeff DeVine, attended high school with Young and is currently in Thailand, where he runs DeVine Ministries with his wife and twin daughters. He says that as part of his ministry, which focuses on rescuing children, he has worked with victims of rape and other trauma.

A high school classmate of Nelson’s who spoke to Breitbart News remembers DeVine and Nelson briefly dating around 1977. DeVine also provided a copy of his high school yearbook inscribed with a lengthy message by Nelson. The inscription was signed by “Beverly Young,” using Nelson’s maiden name."

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Boyfriend of Roy Moore Accuser: I Don’t Believe Her
Quotes from the beginning of the article, the rest you can read for yourself.
"Birmingham, ALABAMA — A minister who says that he dated Beverly Young Nelson at around the same time that Young claims to have been assaulted by senatorial candidate Roy Moore says that he does not believe his ex-girlfriend about the allegations.
The former boyfriend, Jeff DeVine, attended high school with Young and is currently in Thailand, where he runs DeVine Ministries with his wife and twin daughters. He says that as part of his ministry, which focuses on rescuing children, he has worked with victims of rape and other trauma.

A high school classmate of Nelson’s who spoke to Breitbart News remembers DeVine and Nelson briefly dating around 1977. DeVine also provided a copy of his high school yearbook inscribed with a lengthy message by Nelson. The inscription was signed by “Beverly Young,” using Nelson’s maiden name."

Ephesians 5:6-14
"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be associated with them. For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light- for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful work of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light."

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

Previous postings.

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