Judge Roy Moore Demolishes Gloria Allred And Dishonest Accuser
The corrupt establishment has desperately attempted to bring down Alabama populist candaidate Judge Roy Moore, but to his credit, he has stood firmly in the face of false claims of sexual harrassment and impropriety. As the election date nears, this orchestrated campaign continues to fall apart after one lie after another gets uncovered.
Earlier today, Judge Roy Moore got onto Twitter to deliver a killer blow to his false accusers and the disingenuous lawyer who represented these liars, Gloria Allred:
Judge Roy Moore on Twitter: "Boyfriend at the time says she lied. Employees of the restaurant say she lied. Customers of the restaurant say she lied. Her step son says she lied. Now she herself admits to lying. Let’s count how many national outlets will ignore the fact that she admits to lying. https://t.co/9D5OYCVORx"
Oh Gloria how would you like your crow? lean, medium or very well done?
I reckon she will be getting arrested soon.