I want the military to call for a new election, have paper ballots for one legal voter per ballot, only count each ballot only one time through the machine, only have a legal voter vote but only in one place that person is registered to vote at on an assigned date, get an appointment for that, have security cameras record each person walk in, have ID, finger prints, eye scan, actual signature per ballot, use a machine to determine that each signature per ballot is unique, require the ballots are physically kept in warehouses for a minimum of ten years, have each ballot scanned, copied to blockchains around the world and then published and live streamed onto television, the Internet, radio, onto newspapers, etc, anywhere, everywhere, public for the world to see, and whoever gets the most votes is then the winner and then nobody can say election fraud, election meddling, because it would be right in front of our faces.
2nd Permanent Jury Duty Exemption Requested
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-10 - Saturday | Published in April of 2021
Be Like Jesus from The Chosen
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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YouTube Comments Lost
Roy Merrick
1 day ago
It's as if all my comments get deleted. Are you trying to remove me from history? We share a history that you can't change. We've got plenty to catch up on.
Go check other small YouTube channels and you will find the same thing happen in live streams, youtube tend to have live comments disappear or whatever they call it. They wouldn't call it deleted but more like it doesn't reach a certain criteria to be allowed to be replayed. I used to talk about this problem for a while as I noticed comments vanish. I then was talking to people about ways to get it fixed and I guess it still doesn't work. Well, at least they didn't ban me again yet.
Infocomms Roy
2021-04-10 - Saturday - 11:14 AM - Met Log
Met Roy Merrick again today on YouTube, see my daily blog for that, but originally in 2018 or as late as 2019 on the Infocomms. His YouTube channel is as follows:
We Should Voite
I'm not in fear. But you can lie about me all day and start a Joey is Afraid cult. If you want to do that, have fun.
I never said we should play their games. I don't disagree with you in regards to not playing their games. But I take it a step farther to talk about the counter element in regards to what we do in substitution of what we should not do.
America was started on the backs of less than ten percent of the people involved and that is generally how things are, most people end up not reaching the heroic levels of George Washington and his spies.
People who are making a difference in the world should not cry too deeply if not every single human is standing on top of a mountain burning masks as they should.
It's true like you said, there may be 95% of people wearing masks and other things. I don't know exactly how many and how often but it is too many regardless. But changing the world does not require all humans to wake up and most people generally don't wake up enough.
Our job is to simply get as many people to wake up as possible and there are levels to awakening and some people are a little awoke and some are wide awake.
America will continue to fall, you're right about that, and if not enough people take enough action quickly towards the right direction, the global government will increase their control over the world in an accelerated fashion as we approach 2030.
Some people can say Trust The Plan, do nothing, The Qanon Operation Trust as seen in like Russia in the 1920s, as you mentioned. That is bad. On the other hand, some people can say we are all doomed and that can lead to people doing nothing as well.
So, therefore, people need to see the good and the bad and to simply try their best in a combination of things as the best and the worse can happen and do happen in a variety of ways and not in an all or nothing way but in different variations and levels and combinations therein.
Well, that is a good Tubman quote, even if she didn't say it like you said, it does work. I agree in that local elections and other local things are more crucial and more important in a variety of ways. I'm not saying federal elections don't have value. Well, in regards to the 9th and 10th amendments, federal elections are too focused upon. And federal and global governments are way too big and they always seek to inflate themselves like a bubble.
Voting is a good thing and not a bad thing. I disagree with you. When we don't vote, then bad things happen. But at the same time, we should do more than voting. But you start with where you are. And we vote for the best choices we have at any given moment.
If we can just vote, then that is better than a hypothetical or theoretical vacuum of emptiness of inaction. But some people could perhaps do things that are better than voting and/or go beyond mere voting.
We can talk all day about things people should do outside of voting or instead of voting. But too many people do NOT vote at all. The people who voted for Kanye West in 2020 or for anybody other than Biden or Trump would have done better to either vote for Biden or Trump.
I want the military to call for a new election, have paper ballots for one legal voter per ballot, only count each ballot only one time through the machine, only have a legal voter vote but only in one place that person is registered to vote at on an assigned date, get an appointment for that, have security cameras record each person walk in, have ID, finger prints, eye scan, actual signature per ballot, use a machine to determine that each signature per ballot is unique, require the ballots are physically kept in warehouses for a minimum of ten years, have each ballot scanned, copied to blockchains around the world and then published and live streamed onto television, the Internet, radio, onto newspapers, etc, anywhere, everywhere, public for the world to see, and whoever gets the most votes is then the winner and then nobody can say election fraud, election meddling, because it would be right in front of our faces.
Folders, Bookmarks, & Tabs Oh My
I'm one of those people too. I have many tabs, Internet browsers like Firefox and Dissenter, and many bookmarks and folders. Yeah, it can be kind of funny to look at search history, the online activity, it's like a circus.
That is part of the reason why I copy and paste most of it onto my Oatmeal Daily blog posts which you commented on one of them. So, that is kind of how I deal with it, I simply copy and paste it over to a notepad or text file document and then upload all of that each day to Hive Blog, to Steemit, etc.
Wow, see all these folders and tabs and book marks I got as seen in this screenshot?
Can you delete on blockchain?
Actually, you may still find the original via Hive Blocks, sorry to burst your bubble, here is a link as follows:
Maybe not.
You might be right.
Jay Walking, Not Jay Leno
I jay walk all the time. By the way, I saw a lot of heavy rain in Saigon which is across the pond from the Philippines.
So many flooded streets which I biked through during raining season. Kind of fun. Oddly warm water, at least its not freezing water.
Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
Chosen 103
2021-04-10 - Friday - 12:41 AM - 01:23 AM - Chosen 103 - YouTube
Children meet carpenter Jesus. Great episode.
2021-04-10 - Friday - 01:24 AM - 02:19 AM - Chosen 104 - YouTube
A fisherman, Simon, tries to make a deal with the Romans. Matthew is sent by the Romans to spy on Simon. Talk with Nick about Jesus.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
2021-04-10 - Friday - 12:41 AM - 01:23 AM - Chosen 103 - YouTube
2021-04-10 - Friday - 01:24 AM - 02:19 AM - Chosen 104 - YouTube
Geeks & Gamers
Dear diary, got up at 09:30 AM, got up, made breakfast. Hello cats. Didn't see them. Checked temperature of house. Make sure it doesn't get under 50 degrees. Try to get flip phone to work, try to find network for phone service. No. Still can't find. Over to Snow White around 10:30 PM to 10:50 PM. Working on my Daily Oatmeal and on Facebook and YouTube after that to 11 AM and beyond. Some Snow White house yard work in the afternoon, a bit of a ditch or getting weeds off the side of the house and continued the trench nearby towards a pipe. Helped with that. Saw one cat for a sec until it ran away. Penny I guess. Picked up Snow White mail box to keep up and leaning, heavy metal thing pressed against bottom. Still working on phone thing, now it's 5:30 PM. Continued working on the phone thing toward 12:30 AM and then worked on dinner.
Food log
Breakfast: cereal like yesterday, whole milk and then almond milk for the second bowl or some other type of milk, coffee, tangerine, yogurt, 09:40 AM to 10:30 AM.
Lunch: more cereal around noon, like strawberry corn flakes. 3 eggs, jalapenos, cheese, kale sandwich.
Dinner: after midnight, 2 buritos, actually 1 AM.
2nd Permanent Jury Duty Exemption Requested