Toward A More Merciful World!

in #joy7 years ago (edited)

For each of us eventually, whether we're ready or not, someday it will come to an end. This is part of one of the most inspirational thing I've ever. I first heard it from a documentary called "The Beautiful Truth".

We've pretty much heard it all, at least once. It goes something like, nobody knows when life ends and thus we should all be trying to make the best out of it, all the time.

What Truly Matters!

It then goes on to say: "What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice, that enriched, empowered, or encouraged others to emulate your example." (Source)

What I share on Steem is a big part of my legacy. If I'd die tomorrow, what's in this post and a couple others would probably be what I would love to be remembered for.

As an aside, Steemit is fast becoming the most popular social network there is and as I've said previously, it seems only a black swan event could reverse this trend.

Sooner or later, millions of people will be visiting Steemit and our actions here today will become a lot more influential which is something we should be all keeping in mind.

Let's try to acknowledge the plight of the most in need and work towards helping them, so that the universe's infinite beauty can be infinitely reflected wherever we look.

Maximizing One's Life Enjoyment!

Everyone should look toward maximizing one's life enjoyment while also working on making the initiation of violence obsolete, as abuse and initiation of violence lowers life enjoyment for everyone.

"People don’t choose violence because they want the violent solution, the choose it because they don’t see any other way." @dantheman (Steem's main architect)

There might always be some people resorting to violence but this isn't a reason not to work to curtail its use and thus working toward making the initiation of violence obsolete.

Making the initiation of violence obsolete is the ultimate challenge humanity is faced with. There is no greater challenge and thus no greater reward, for if we can do away with the initiation of violence and abuse, an era of unprecedent cooperation awaits us.

Since its very beginning, life has evolve pressured by merciless competition. Maybe then, merciful social pressure could be one of our best tool to curtail violence and abuse.

Organizing Peaceful Cooperation!

To do away with the need of violence, we need to do away with the current form of governments. Doing away with current governments, without the use of violence, needs to be done with free market.

I believe that properly organized social pressures can be far more powerful than any standing army or government bureaucrat. @dantheman

Trying to organize those positive social pressures or in other words, peaceful cooperation, is currently our most honorable option we have, working toward a better world.

Cryptocurrencies are better suitted than any other technology to enable us to organized peaceful cooperation on a scale we've never seen before.

Cryptocurrencies are a new type of technology which first emerge in January 2009 with Bitcoin.

In the following series of article I will demonstrate what are the many advantages and new features cryptocurrencies have over national currencies as well as how they are undermining the power of the different governments to the benefit of every Earthlings.

I'm organizing peaceful cooperation, leveraging social pressures to become a better person. Steem, cryptocurrencies and social pressures are only some tools part of a bigger whole which we should try never to lose sight of.

I aim at making this series a reference in term of helping people to live a more enjoyable life. This series will be part of a bigger series in which I will share what I learn about what is most important in life, from the alpha to the omega and everything in between.


We're creating systems that make governments irrelevant, taking dispute out of their jurisdiction to allow people to interact securely with each other. - Me paraphrasing @dantheman - (source)

Credit to @stellabelle for pointing me out Dan's first quote mentionned in this post.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading and for commenting! I read all comments!

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The timing of everything on Steemit seems to be so unreal. We need this kind of practice more than ever. Lately I have had a reoccurring thought that I am not going to be here in less than 100 years. When you think about how quickly 1 year goes by, 100 years isn't very long. It makes me sad that we can't live forever, but it also makes me realize the amount of goodness we must cram in to this life time. I'm sorry I probably don't have the best answer to anything on Steemit at the moment, you know I am sick. And it's because of you and Steemit that I am getting better & working towards getting amalgams banned & also doing a study on mercury & the neuroimmune disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis to add to the M.E Wikipedia site to hopefully aid in proper research of the disease.

There are some very deep & heavy cycles that are in need of change. It's taken me almost 30 years to realize how many of the things we take part in are so unethical and damaging. Every day, we get to make choices with everything we do, eat, say. I am thankful for the healers that are helping make people aware that they are healers too.
Especially since having a child I have begun to question everything. I am more aware of life & death. More aware of the cycles she must not carry with her through life. More aware that every day must count. You are and always have been one of my favorite steemians. For always making me think and challenge my thoughts and have timely reminders like these.
Cryptocurrency is definitely a godsend. Money should never be a factor in deciding someones quality of life. I am actually terrible at writing what I am thinking at the moment, just know I am so thankful for you & Steemit, crytpo etc. When is your birthday @teamsteem?

We meet again. :)

Alrighty. So... Its kind of funny that i ran into this today. Really is. Ive written a post similar in topic, that pertains to our overarching benefit we achieve by helping others. I go a bit deeper in the discussion with tying it all to tangible benefits especially in the Steem ecosystem.
Its really not so different from what you are saying here.

"Sooner or later, millions of people will be visiting Steemit and our actions here today will become a lot more influential which is something we should be all keeping in mind."

This is extremely important here. Not only will our actions now, be influential later, but rather our actions now at this very moment influence those that will potentially arrive on Steem.
Every single one of our actions here, every decision we make now, every good or bad deed, every selfish or altruistic act, we all do as a collective, when put together, has a supreme effect on the outward perception others have in regard to the Steem ecosystem. An effect on its reputation, on its standing, on the faith that it will succeed.

Even the smallest voice has weight. The most "insignificant action" has an effect. Payouts fill your pockets, but respect of the community, cooperation make you great.
I still think that the smallest of plankton has the power in them to effect this platform equally to those whales with 500k, 1mil, 2mil, SP... It will be super hard and the odds are againts you but it can be done.
It just takes courage and determination.

And there we go. Id say im most proud of this one so far. hehe...
Anyways i wanted to tell you that on my last post on "enlightened self interest" im trying to collect funds to help fill the reward pool of Openmic, since pfunk dropped from top 20 witnesses and they are running at a loss. I cant stress enough the importance of openmic for us musicians on Steem..
Im donating all the SBD from that post payout towards the reward pool. Its currently at $74 so any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Thx for reading and see you later. :D

Hmm, well said. The fact that system of Government isn't working well is the fact that we as people have not really looked into ourselves.
Self realization I would say is the key to a sustainable development world system devoid of all this social vices that tend to set back the developmental growth rate in our society.

ways of improving one's self

This is the problem with most 3rd world countries like Nigeria where am from. The poor government structure has not taken education of the younger generation as a paramount needs, there are just after their selfish interest and live the citizens to suffer. These in turns leads to crime, because as they grow with knowledge of the basics the are not useful to the society and this is a problem.

This still balls down to education, when the children are properly educated they will be able to read. Even though the educated ones have not been reading enough to develop their minds and spend much time surfing the web for nothing that really profits them. Examples Facebook, twitter etc. So when we read the right things we improve our minds.
These are few of the ways, we could still do research for the rest of them which I won't be able to list now. When this the Government see to improving this standards and we as people work on ourselves, we will all be happier people. The advent of steemit has brought about people saying their ideas and there are lot of things to read. People can now share their thoughts and ideas that others can relates and learn from. I would say steemit is a plus. It is where I go back and see why words that makes me proud. It is our legacy because steemit has come to stay. Thank you @teamsteem.

Wow.... Am so grateful for this. Thank you @teamsteem.

Great post and I concur. Resteemed and Up'd.

holaaa ¡¡¡ sigueme y te sigo amigo Steemit

Felicitaciones por tu excelente post, te invito a que nos sigamos y asi podemos crecer mas rápido, saludos

Nice.i am a new on steemit. I am from Bangladesh. I try to my best to earn on you help is very important for me.i already following i hope kindly you follow and upvote me . @shahaalam

Resteemed and upvoted.

If not for the reference you made to this post, I would not have seen this beautiful masterpiece.
I will start by first of all appreciating you for this opportunity to air my view on this awesome write up.

it is pertinent and very fundamental that we understand the fact that, every seconds of our life here on earth counts and we are judged by how we lived our life, the good and the bad we did, the help rendered, the sacrifices we made towards the betterment of humanity and most importantly our contribution to the sustainnce of a peaceful human coexistence .

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."- Theodore Roosevelt

what we do and the positive difference we make around us matters a lot.
The world we only be a better place when we bgin to see each other as ourselves. When we see each other as ourselves, we wouldn't want to hurt, malign, hurt, kill or do anything that will in anyway affect us negatively.

Life gives us time but only love gives us meaning.

Life is good and sweet when we realise that we are just mere mortals squatting in a world we don't own rather given to us by our creator. Life is sweet when we realise that we came into this world with nothing and we are definitely going to leave with nothing and we are going to be judged by what we have done. Peace is what everyone is preaching but have we sat down to ask ourselves how well have we lived up to what we say.

When we were born, we cried and the world rejoiced. We have to Live our life so that when we die, the world cries and we rejoice.
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

Everyone is unique in his or her own way. The footprints we leave after we are far gone will stand the test of time as long as it is an emulable one.

A man of integrity is a man of the principle. A man of peace is a man of the progress. A man of love is a man of compassion. A man of humour is a man of joy and a kind hearted man is a man of generosity.

you have been a source of inspiration to the newbies to this community, your commitment toward the positive growth of this community is an outstanding one. your good works will surely be spoken of when you are long gone, our generation will one-day fade and the new generation that will come up will look for the legacies laid by people like you to emulate.
Keep the good work up sir @teamsteem, I remain your ardent follower @cyprianj

If I die tomorrow, I wish a violence free world for my child and my child's child.

Violence is with us since the very first day of creation, where Cain killed his younger brother Abel. Now in our present time violence resulted in the death of millions around the world. And the initiator of violence have in common, lack of attention, respect and low self-worth or feel being abused or being neglected. All those psychological traits are commonly found to the group of poor people like me. Therefore, poverty is a cause of violence and the government had nothing to do with it because, poverty is a by product of centralized and corrupt government.

Looking at the bigger, cryptocurrency and peaceful cooperation is the only way if we want to make a world a better place and violence free. And among the current cryptocurrency, steem has the ability to deliver to the people as long as he/she has an access to internet.

Violence become avoidable in the future. If we start a peaceful cooperation now.

My goodness!! This is a masterpiece, it is pertinent that most definitely, one day it will end for all of us but what is important is whether we're affecting lives around us and on the steem blockchain. I love the part which you said

We've pretty much heard it all, at least once. It goes something like, nobody knows when life ends and thus we should all be trying to make the best out of it, all the time.

This words set me thinking about my life and what i have achieved, have i been a blessing to people around me and on the blockchain? I have come to realise through this post the true essence of living, which is affecting your community and the world at large. We can actually work together in unity to curtail violence thereby reducing its tendencies and the cutting off the avenues through which they come. when we love without prejudice and have each other's interest at heart, then the world will be a better place like Michael Jackson sang in heal the world.

"Heal The World" By Michael Jackson

There's A Place In Your Heart And I Know That It Is Love And This Place Could Be Much Brighter Than Tomorrow And If You Really Try You'll Find There's No Need To Cry In This Place You'll Feel There's No Hurt Or Sorrow
There Are Ways To Get There If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Little Space Make A Better Place...
Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
If You Want To Know Why There's A Love That Cannot Lie Love Is Strong It Only Cares For Joyful Giving If We Try We Shall See In This Bliss We Cannot Feel Fear Or Dread We Stop Existing And Start Living
Then It Feels That Always Love's Enough For Us Growing So Make A Better World Make A Better World...
Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
And The Dream We Were Conceived In Will Reveal A Joyful Face And The World We Once Believed In Will Shine Again In Grace Then Why Do We Keep Strangling Life Wound This Earth Crucify Its Soul Though It's Plain To See This World Is Heavenly Be God's Glow
We Could Fly So High Let Our Spirits Never Die In My Heart I Feel You Are All My Brothers Create A World With No Fear Together We'll Cry Happy Tears See The Nations Turn Their Swords Into Plowshares
We Could Really Get There If You Cared Enough For The Living Make A Little Space To Make A Better Place...
Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me
You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me You And For Me
Heal the world we live in, save it for our children Heal the world we live in, save it for our children Heal the world we live in, save it for our children Heal the world we live in, save it for our children.

thank you for this masterpiece of all time @teamsteem.

I always feared death but I always want to be remembered for who I was , I want to spread my love and happiness to others so I could leave behind a good message . I want my kids to be able to respresent me in life . Life is too short it really is . You never know what’s written for you or when your time is . I often think down that next year I’ll be doing this or that , but what’s the guarantee I’ll live ? I’ve lost a lot of people in my life which has made me enjoy the little beauties in life more . Appreciate others around me and make change In this world and myself because change comes from within

This Post was Added to the Steemit Social Media Queue.

Wow! That's super cool!

@hilarski and his company 200social is running Steemit official Twitter account.

His comment mean my post has been added to a list of posts that are being posted on the official Steemit Twitter account.

Congrats @teamsteem, I'm also looking forward to one day getting that badge :D

@naturalista The content of your article needs to be seen by people but the title is effectively untrue based on your stated source.

Nice.i am a new on steemit. I am from Bangladesh. I try to my best to earn on you help is very important for me.i already following i hope kindly you follow and upvote me . @shahaalam

I think that all the people on here are trying their best otherwise they would not be here.
Do not comment useless things. It's called spamming.

I need your moral support I'm new here..
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